Fatores relacionados ao consumo de açúcar por jovens em Portugal: políticas públicas e alfabetização nutricional

AutorInês Martinho, Maria João Bárrios, João Ricardo Catarino
CargoUniversity of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
DOI https://doi.org/10.50 07/2177-7055.2022.e91341
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Factors related to sugar consumption
by young people in Portugal: public
policies and nutritional literacy 1
Fatores relacionados ao consumo de açúcar por jovens em
Portugal: políticas públicas e alfabetização nutricional
Inês Martinho¹
Maria João Bárr ios¹
João Ricardo Catarino¹
¹University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.
A: To reduce the burden of diet-rel ated non-commu nicable diseases,
promoting hea lthy eating habits has become a concern of modern societies. In
this vein, i n addition to t rying to improve the health literacy of it s population,
the Portuguese authorities have recently levied taxes on food products that are
deleterious to health. Despite the young exhibiti ng better health literacy, they
also tend to overconsume these products. This research analyses the inuence of
public policies on he althy eating and of hea lth literacy on the hea lth management
of young adult s. We applied an on line survey to you ng adults who were attend ing a
universit y degree at Universid ade de Lisboa. The collect ed data were processed by
statist ical analysis, using SPSS sof tware. Although most of the young respondent s
recognize their impor tance in managi ng their individual health, a large majorit y
are unaware of the public policies in place and frequently over consume sugar.
Public polic ies on healthy eating thu s need to reconsider the role of young people
as agents of pa rticipation, promot ing knowledge about the meas ures and providing
them with tools to manage their own healt h.
This ar ticle is based on th e research leadi ng to the preparat ion of Inês Mart inho’s Master
Disser tation entit led Política s Públicas de A liment ação Saudável, L iteracia sobr e os
Açúcares e G estão da Saúde dos Jovens Un iversitários. T his disserta tion was presented
and disc ussed in public ex amination s for the degree of Ma ster in Admi nistração e Pol íticas
Públicas a t ISCSP - Instituto Super ior de Ciências Socia is e Políticas of ULisb oa.
K : Public pol icies on healthy eating. Fiscal Policies. Hea lth Literacy.
R : Para reduzir a carga de doenças não tran smissíveis relacionada s com a
aliment ação dieta, promover hábitos ali mentares saudáveis tornou-se uma preo-
cupação das s ociedades moderna s. Nesta linha, o g overno por tuguês tem adotado
políticas para aumenta r a literacia em saúde e aplicado impostos sobre produto s
aliment ícios prejudiciais à saúd e. Apesar de os jovens apresenta rem maiores níveis
de literaci a em saúde, são o gr upo etário que m ais tende a consu mir produtos
açucarados em excesso. Esta pe squisa analisa a inuência das políticas públ icas de
aliment ação saudável e da litera cia em saúde na gestão d a saúde dos jovens adultos.
Aplicámos u m questionário onl ine a jovens adultos alu nos de qualquer licenciat ura
na ULisboa. Os dados fora m sujeitos a uma an álise estatística com recurso ao so f-
tware SPSS. Embora a maioria do s jovens inquir idos reconheça a sua importâ ncia
na gestão d a saúde individual, gr ande parte desconhece as pol íticas públicas de
aliment ação saudável em vigor e consome açúcar em excesso frequentemente. As
políticas pú blicas de aliment ação saudável precisa m reconsiderar o papel dos jovens
como agentes de pa rticipação, promovendo o conhecimento sobre as medidas e
disponibi lizando-lhes fer ramentas de gestão da própria saúde.
P-: Políticas Públicas de Aliment ação Saudável. Políticas Fiscai s.
Literacia em Saúde.
The promotion of a healthier diet and lifestyle habits is a trans-
versal focus of modern societies in line with the guidelines of the
World Health Organization (WHO), the European Commission
and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Develop-
ment (OECD) itself. To this end, governments have been taking
specic measures on food products that are negatively related to
health, namely through scal policy, using taxes as a deterrent.
For example, tobacco products and alcoholic beverages have long
been subject to specic higher taxation in many countries, precisely
to discourage consumption.
In recent years several OECD countr ies have introduced or incre-
ased excise taxes on foods high in sa lt, sugar or fat, among others. Such
SEQÜÊNCI A (FLORIAN ÓPOLIS), VO L. , N. ,  3
indirect consu mption taxes have been seen both as an additional source
of tax revenue and as a means of addressing the negative externalities
associated with their consumption. More recently, greater emphasis
has been placed on public policies promoting healthy lifestyles, as the
adverse consequences for public health of consuming a wide range of
foods with those characteristics become better known (Sassi, 2010).
Some studies on the health eects of these policies show that
taxes on high sugar content foods can be a relevant tool to improve
health, although the extent and complexity of these eects require
careful consideration by policy makers in taking new directions for
this public policy. The arguments for using taxes to achieve impro-
vements in citizens’ habits and public health are very evident for to-
bacco products and alcoholic beverages, but they are also less visible
for foods, including non-alcoholic beverages added with sugar and
other sweeteners (Bonnet & Requillart, 2012).
These studies suggest there is some positive impact on food
consumption after the i mplementation of taxation measures on sugary
drinks. This is the case of the study carr ied out by WHO (WHO,
2015a) which, based on observations of tax policies implemented in
Denmark, Finland, France and Hungary, suggests that the results in
these cases are consistent with theoretical models showing that these
policies have the potential to change consumer behaviour.
In the case of these drinks, several authors indicate that the
use of this type of tax generates very varied concrete eects, which
depend on the solution concretely implemented, and the temporal,
cultural or social context in which they are applied (Andreyeva et
al., 2011); (Bonnet & Réquillart, 2011). This is a phenomenon called
“overshifting” (Anderson et al., 2001); (Bonnet & Réquillart, 2012);
(Keeler et al., 1996).
Several other authors point out that it is very dicult to obtain
an answer to the question whether the policy of taxi ng soft drinks wit h
added sugar and other sweetener s has a positive impact on public health.
This is not only because of the long time lag between the change in

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