Graffiti art copyright protection in Brazil: a short analysis

AutorPedro Marcos Nunes Barbosa, Raul Murad Ribeiro de Castro
CargoDoutor em Direito (USP), Mestre em Direito (UERJ), Especialista em Propriedade Intelectual (PUC-Rio). Professor do Departamento de Direito da PUC-Rio. Sócio de Denis Borges Barbosa Advogados. E-mail: - Doutorando e Mestre em Direito (UERJ). E-mail: - 'However, the law regime of property is the regime...
Revista de Direito da Cidade vol. 11, nº 1. ISSN 2317-7721
DOI: 10.12957/rdc.2019.36534
Revista de Direito da Cidade, vol. 11, nº 1. ISSN 2317-7721 pp. 362-380 362
Pe dr o Mar co s Nun es B arb os a1
Rau l Mur ad R ibe ir o de C astro 2
Keywords: Graffiti, Art, Property Law, Aesthetic Politics, Environment.
Legal discussions concerning graffiti in Brazil have historically taken a criminal law
approach. Since the 1980s, and throughout the 1990s, most of the case law and doctrine
or on public venues4 and buildings5; (ii) if a property owner could be awarded exemplary/moral
damages6; or (iii) if this act would be considered a misdemeanor, when a minor was the
responsible for the graffiti7.
Considering the sunset of a twenty one year military di ctatorship in Brazil, fulfilled with
superficial, sophist, moral and religious agenda, it was no surprise that the graffiti received an
illegal-social stigmatization, generally viewed as a favela (slums) movement or a gang related
1 Doutor em Direito (USP), Mestre em Direito (UERJ), Especialista em Propriedade Intelectual (PUC-Rio).
Professor do Departamento de Direito da PUC-Rio. Sócio de Denis Borges Barbosa Advogados. E-mail:
2 Doutorando e Mestre em Direito (UERJ). E-mail:
3 Hàààààààà ààààà ààààà
àà à à àà à à àà LOPE“à JàRà à Là O Direito na
História. 4ª Edição, São Paulo: Editora Atlas, 2012, p. 386.
4 In an illegal election propaganda case, the Supreme Federal Court dismissed a criminal inquiry against a
àà à àà àà à à àà à à votes: Supreme
Federal Court, Pleno, Justice Carlos Madeira, Inq. 321-2, decided in 09.02.1987.
5 In an interesting habeas corpus ruled by the Supreme Federal Court, a lieutenant was accused of
graffiting (therefore being accountable for the damage crime) Diretas Jáà àDà Eà
Pààà ààààDààààBààà àEx
officio the Court decided to interrupt the police inquiry: Supreme Federal Court, 1ª Turma, Justice Néri da
Silveira, HC 63260-2, Ruled in 09.10.1985.
6 On a free translatioà Gà à à à à à à à à à à à
àààà àà“àCàà à“àà RààJàTJRJà à
Câmara Cível, Des. Nascimento Póvoas, docket number (civil appeal) 00258725219998190000, Ruled on
7 MANCUSO, Rodolfo de Camargo. Aspectos jurídicos da chamada "pichação" e sobre a utilização da ação
civil pública para tutela do interesse difuso à proteção da estética urbana. Revista da Faculdade de
Direito, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, v. 87, p. 155-181, jan. 1992. ISSN 2318-8235. Disponível
em: article/view/67173>. Acesso em: 12 jan. 2018.
Revista de Direito da Cidade vol. 11, nº 1. ISSN 2317-7721
DOI: 10.12957/rdc.2019.36534
Revista de Direito da Cidade, vol. 11, nº 1. ISSN 2317-7721 pp. 362-380 363
activity. Therefore, the popular name in Portuguese for this kind of human manifestation was
à picharà à picheà à à à à à à à à à à
naughty, nasty practice.
áàààààààoodwill towards  àààà
form of art, assaults8 against historical features such as the Christ in Rio de Janeiro, maintained
over the practice a shadow of prejudice against its practitioners. Wherefore, in 1998 the Federal
Law 9.605 was implemented by Congress to sanction any conduct that could be c onsidered to
impact the environment, with a specif ic chapter9 c oncerning graffiti on private or public
properties, and penalties that involved fines and up to one year prison-detention time.
This brief conte xt is important, however, to expos e the content that will not be
approached by this paper. In fact, the proposal of this article is to analyze the c urrent status of
graffiti art manifestation, the public policies related, and to realize a short and precise aesthetic
study of the matter in Brazil.
A cons ervative10 lens throughout the extension of real estate property rights in Brazil
would, exclusively, consider a literal/fetishist11 approach of the 2002 Brazilian Civil Law Code
(BCC) article 1.228. Therefore, a complete and final view of the issue would analyze
unauthorized graffiti as a direct violation against ownership since à The ow ner has the
right to use, enjoy and to dispose of the asset, and the right to retrieve its property of the power
8 In 1991 t wo young teenagers from the State of São Paulo produced awful writing g raffiti in the famous
statue. Information available at .
9 On the original version article 65 sààFà àGààà ààààà
or an urban monument: Sanction: detention for three months ààà
10 TàààCàL àCààà“ tate University of São Paulo Procedural Law Professor stated:
àà à àà à à àà à àà à àà à à àà
since the physical view of an estate is worthy of legal protection considering the preservation of its
ààIàààààque em todos os casos, há um panorama comum: um direito
de propriedade é afrontado, já que uma acessão física alteada em um terreno é igualmente ob jeto de
tutela jurídica no que c oncerne à preseràà àààMáNCU“OàRààCà
A J  C P  “  U  A C P  T 
Interesse Difuso à Proteção da Estética Urbana. 1992, p. 161.
11 Tàà à àà àà à àà à à àà the
dogmatic speech, the law is viewed as the law by the law, abstracting from the conditions (historical-
à à à à “TRECKà Là Là Hermenêutica Juridica e(m) Crise. Uma Ex ploração
Hermenêutica Da Construção Do Direito. 10ª Ed. Rev., atual e ampliada. Porto Alegre: Livraria do
Advogado Editora, 2011, p. 18.

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