In search of the ethics of aproximation in law: the gap between present and future and the development of an ethical experience in the environmental crisis scenario / Por uma ética da aproximação no direito: o distanciamento entre presente e futuro e...

AutorClarissa Marques
CargoPós-doutorado na The New School of Social Research-NY (Bolsista CAPES). Professora do PPGD da Faculdade Damas. Professora da Faculdade Facipe e da UPE. E-mail:
Revista de Direito da Cidade vol. 09, nº 4. ISSN 2317-7721
DOI: 10.12957/rdc.2017.29564
Revista de Direito da Cidade, vol. 09, nº 4. ISSN 2317-7721 pp. 1606-1625 1606
O presente artigo parte da crítica quanto ao distanciamento entre presente e futuro para
propor uma análise de uma “ética da aproximação no Direito”. Apesar do termo crise ser
comumente associado a uma situação problemática passageira, a “crise ambiental” aqui
tomada apresenta-se como um “Mal” permanente, consequência das mudanças provocadas
pela civilização tecnológica. Os riscos ambientais provocaram a descontinuidade da linearidade
do tempo. Em termos de “crise ambiental” presente e futuro coexistem. Tendo em vista o
poder de intervenção humana na vida e no futuro da própria humanidade, a ética tradicional
não atende ao cenário de medo apontado por Hans Jonas. Surge a necessidade de uma nova
ética, a ética pro futuro. Em contrapartida, o tempo presente é marcado por um déficit
motivacional nos sujeitos morais, por um esvaziamento moral, pela descrença, conforme
observado por Simon Critchley. Uma das consequências da tentação niilista que envolve as
sociedades contemporâneas é o risco dos princípios éticos e jurídicos transformarem-se em
simples mecanismos de justificação, sem que provoquem nos sujeitos uma experiência ética.
Assim, uma experiência ética de “aproximação no Direito” é a proposta do trabalho aqui
apresentado. Uma espécie de ética de transição entre o present e de medo e o futuro de riscos.
-Crise Ambiental; Futuro; Riscos; Ética; Direit o.
This article begins with a criticism of the gap between present and future to propose an analysis
of “Ethics of aproximation in Law”. Although, the term crisis is commonly associated with a
transient problem situation, the “environmental crisis” taken here, presents itself as a
permanent “Evil”, resulting in changes brought by technological civilization. Environmental risks
caused the disruption of the linearity of time. In terms of “environmental crisis”, present and
future coexist. Given the power of human intervention in the life and future of humanity itself,
the traditional Ethics do not meet the fear scenario appointed by Hans Jonas. Thus, arose the
need for new Ethics, the Ethics for the future. In contrast, the present time is characterized by a
motivational deficit in moral subjects, by a moral emptiness, by unbelief, as noted by Simon
Critchley. One of the consequences of nihilistic temptation involving contemporary societies, is
the risk of ethical and legal ss turning into simple justification mechanisms without causing in
the subject an ethical experience. Furthermore, an ethical experience of “aproximation in Law”
is the proposal of the work presented here. A kind of transition in Ethics between the present of
1 Special thanks to Prof. Simon Critchley and Prof. Richard Bernstein for conversations and
correspondence on the subjects explored in this essay, to Rogerio Mendes for carefully editing and to
Mariam Matar for comments and friendship. This work was supported by CAPES-Brazil.
2 Pós-doutorado na The New School of Social Research-NY (Bolsista CAPES). Professora do PPGD da
Faculdade Damas. Professora da Faculdade Facipe e da UPE. E-mail:
Revista de Direito da Cidade vol. 09, nº 4. ISSN 2317-7721
DOI: 10.12957/rdc.2017.29564
Revista de Direito da Cidade, vol. 09, nº 4. ISSN 2317-7721 pp. 1606-1625 1607
fear and the future of risks.
Environmental Crisis; Future; Risks; Ethics; Law.
In the present article the environmental problem, or the “Evil”, departs from the
conception of ecological catastrophe 3, both, autonomous and spontaneous. It also approaches
the realization that the crisis is about civilization, the Western mindset, the modern rationality 4,
the economic model, and the paradigm withdrawal that ended up denying the relationship
between subject/object, organism/environment and cause/effect (MOORE, 2015). The
environmental “Evil” recognizes that nature was denied and exploited from the conversion of
being in homo economicus (LEFF, 2006, p. 77). This results in the need to rediscover the place
that man must take in nature; to resituate the human being in the world (GUZMAN, 1995, p.
232). These “strange times” require Ethics to be reviewed and encourages reflection on how
the legal framework needs to be involved in an ethical experience that allows a connection
between present and future on environmental risks. The scenario of “crisis” requires a non-
dualistic analysis able to interpret “the two modern compartments”, the human elements and
non-human, as one set. The intertwining of nature and society is back to be analyzed (LUKE,
2004, p. 236) and perhaps, this is exactly the point in “crisis”: humanity taken to rethink the
non-human elements beyond the categorization of objects available. Furthermore, there is a
need to rethink the temporal dimension as the effects go beyond the present time and make
the future a current problem.
Contemporaneity, identified by some as post-m odernity, is charecterized by fluid
concepts5 and complex social relationships, to name a few. It underlines the modern rupture
between subject and object; a strong break which makes us face ethical challenges. Simon
Critchley warns about the need for us to resist nihilistic and pessimistic temptations and face
3 Although the idea of catastrophe has not been included in the present work, its doctrinal reception is
quite common. “Il est impossible d’éviter une catastrophe climatique sans rompre radicalement avec les
méthodes et la logique économique qui y mènent depuis cent cinquante ans”. GORZ, André. Écologica.
Paris: Galilée, 2008, p. 29.
4 “A modernidade pesada era uma época que pretendia impor a razão à realidade por decreto, remanejar
as estruturas de modo a estimular o comportamento racional e a elevar os custos de todo
comportamento contrário à razão tão alto que os impedisse”. BAUMAN, Zygmunt. Modernidade líquida.
Rio de Janeiro: Jorge ZAHAR, 2001, p. 58.
5 The idea of fluidity of concepts in the contemporaneity is proposed by Zigmunt Bauman.

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