O princípio da eficiência, para além da retórica

AutorDaniel Ferreira, Alan José de Oliveira Teixeira
CargoCentro Universitário Internacional UNINTER, Curitiba, Brazil / Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil
DOI https://doi.org/10.50 07/2177-7055.2022.e91947
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The principle of efficiency, beyond rhetoric
O princípio da eficiência, para além da retórica
Dani el Fer rei ra¹
¹Centro Universitário Internacional UNINTER, Curitiba, Brazil.
Alan José de Oliveira Teixeira²
²Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil.
A: This scientic text deals with t he realit y of the principle of eciency
in Brazi lian Administrative Law, since its insertion in the Brazi lian Constitution
(article 37, caput). In this sen se, the article that is s ummarize d here is a denunciation
of the fact that admin istrative eciency, as a constitutional promise, has not yet
been materialized in the public adm inistration of the cou ntry, at any of its levels,
and it wil l hardly be eect ive due to the dense cloud of doubts that it h as provoked
in both the Executive and the Judiciary, and thi s has nothi ng - or very lit tle - to
do with corr uption. Undoubtedly, in up-to-date Public Administration, the role
of agents shou ld adapt to the complexity of the i nterests of the commun ity, which
are multi faceted and cha nging. The work published here ai ms to point out the
problems and solutions in what concerns the admi nistrative eciency of tod ay
so that a real system is fr amed in which the eciency of tomorrow is renewed in
perception. There fore, the research was car ried out through a deduc tive approach
and bibliographical and documental review.
K : Constitutiona l principles of Public Admi nistrat ion. Administrat ive
Eciency. Judicial control. Brazil.
R: Versa este texto cientíco sobre a realid ade do princípio da eciência no
Direito Adm inistrativo bra sileiro, desde a sua inserção na Cart a da República em
vigor (art igo 37, caput). Neste sentido, o artigo que aqui se resu me é denunciati-
vo do fato de que a eciência admin istrativa, como promessa con stituciona l, não
se concretizou n a Admin istração Pública do país, em nenhum dos seus n íveis, e
dici lmente se efetivará por conta d a densa nuvem de dúvidas que t em provocado
tanto no Poder Exec utivo quanto no Judiciár io, e isso nada – ou muito pouco – tem
a ver com corrupção. É i ndubitável que, na Administ ração Pública da atualidade,
a atuação dos a gentes deveria se adaptar à complexidade dos i nteresses da cole-
tividade, que são multif acetados e muta ntes. Objetiva o trabalho aqu i publicado
apontar os problem as e as soluções naquilo q ue se refere à eciência admi nistrativa
do hoje para que se emoldur e um real sistema em que sej a de renovada percepção a
eciência do am anhã. Para ta nto, a pesquisa foi levada a cabo me diante abordage m
dedutiva e revisão bibliográca e document al.
P-C: Princípios constitucionais da Adm inist ração Pública. Eciência
Admin istrativa. Controle judici al. Brasi l.
The title chosen for this ar ticle is provocative. At rst sight, with
this call, it is believed that the principle of eciency should not be
accepted and, mainly, applied on the assumption that just invoking
it, or by expressing appreciation, by itself, allows transforming the
Brazilian reality, even less “from water to wine”. This is not true.
Its existence dates back to 1988, but the rant that preceded and
succeeded its insertion in art. 37, caput, of the Constitution of the
Republic – alongside the principles of legality, impersonality, morality
and publicity –, and as a general principle of Public Administration,
brought more problems than advantages. It confused vision, confused
minds, provoked passions. And wrath. The problem is that this still
happens today, even more than thirty years after its enactment.
Therefore, what is in it is not intended for any commemorat ion.
On the contrary, dealing with eciency as an administrative duty of
public manager s or as a general pr inciple of Public Administrat ion does
not change the point of arrival. Many of the constitutional promises
have not yet materialized, including due to human failures – which
have little or nothing to do with corruption.
Collective interests become increasi ngly complex, multif aceted,
and continue to vary in time and space. Administrative action should
conform to all of this, but there are not always conditions for this,
for several reasons. Nevertheless, this is the “reason for being” of the
SEQÜÊNCI A (FLORIANÓ POLIS), VOL. , N . ,  3
principle of eciency as a general principle of the Brazilian Public
Administration, which is to allow “the destination” to be maintai-
ned, with the necessar y course corrections and eventual adaptations
of route, without this implying inattention to the laws and the Law.
In other words, in the best possible way.
In this scenario, the rst problem is to know how to do this
based on a systematic and principled constitutional hermeneutics of
the order. The second is to recognize that every manifestation of the
exercise of the admin istrative function involves judicial control, even
without authorizing the State-Judge to override the State-Adminis-
tration, purely and simply.
The aim of this article is, therefore, to contribute to such re-
ections, in addition to paying homage to the countr y and its citi-
zens, opening wide the conviction that the day will still come when
the Brazilian State – as once promised – will become a reality. The
(renewed) role of the principle of eciency is to collaborate in acce-
lerating the process. Just understand it and give it faithful complia nce.
Promulgated on October 5, the Constitution of the Federative
Republic of Brazil boasted, preambularly, its commitment to “en-
sure the exercise of social and individual rights, freedom, security,
well-being, development, equality and justice as supreme values of a
fraternal, pluralist and prejudice-free society” (B, 1988).
That is, from this promise a new state is constituted (M-
, 2009), the Brazilian State, which proclaimed itself as also
founded on the dignity of the human person and on the social
values of work and free initiative (art. 1), and whose main objec-
tives are to (i) build a free, fair and solidary society, (ii) guarantee
national development, (iii) eradicate poverty and marg inalization and

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