Land-grabbing in and by Brazil: victim and buyer

AutorGiulia Parola, Lodovica Toffoletto
CargoProfessor in Environmental Law and Post-doc Researcher Scholar, Master in Constitutional Law in South America - Universidade Federal Fluminense (Niterói ? RJ, Brazil). PhD in Environmental Law in the University of Paris V (France). LLM in the University of Iceland in International Environmental Law. Bachelor of Law, Università degli Studi di ...
Rev. Direito Econ. Socioambiental, Curitiba, v. 10, n. 2, p. 03-29, maio/ago. 2019.
ISSN 2179-8214
Licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons
Revista de
Direito Econômico e
doi: 10.7213/rev.dir.econ.soc.v10i2.25784
Land-grabbing in and by Brazil: victim and buyer
Land-grabbing no e pelo Brasil: vítima e comprador
Giulia Parola*
Universidade Federal Fl uminense (Brasil)
Lodovica Toffoletto**
Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (Espanha)
Recebido: 13/10/2019 Aprovado: 23/05/2020
Received: 10/13/2019 Approved: 05/23/2020
This article intends to analyse the dual role of the Brazil in the phenomenon of Land Grabbing.
This paper addresses, in the first chapter, a def inition of Land Grabbi ng, wh ich helps in the
delineation of the discourse, then in the second, gives a general analysis abou t the issue of
Land Grabbing; in the third chapter, t he study analyses the role of the Brazil as a victim,
particularly in the areas of Cerrado and Amazonia; in the forth chapter the role of L ula’s
government in the attempt to stem the Land Grabbing and, in the final part the Brazilian' role
as a buyer, particularly focusing on the presence of Brazilian investors in Mozambique.
* Professor in Environmental Law and Post-doc Resea rcher Scholar, Master in Constituti onal Law in South
America - Universidade Federal Fluminense (Niterói – RJ, Brazil ). PhD in Envir onmental Law i n the
University of Paris V (Fra nce). LL M in the University of Iceland in International Environmental Law.
Bachelor of Law, Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy). E-mail: giul
** Master in International Development at the Institut Barcel ona d’Estudis Internaci onals - IBEI (Barcelona,
Spain). Bachelor of Law, Università degli Studi di Milano (Italia). E-mail:
Como citar este artigo/How to cite this article: PAROLA, Giulia; TOFFOLETTO, Lodovica. Land-grabbing
in and by Brazil: victim and buyer. Revista de Direito Econômico e Socioambiental, Curitiba, v. 10, n.
2, p. 03-29, maio/ago. 2019. doi: 10.7213/ rev.dir.econ.soc.v1 0i2.25784.
Rev. Direito Econ. Socioambiental, Curitiba, v. 10, n. 2, p. 03-29, maio/ago. 2019.
Keywords: Land Grabbing; Brazil; Mozambique; Cerrado; Amazonia; Nacala.
Este artigo pretende analisar o duplo papel do Brasil no fenômeno da apropriação de terras.
O estudo aborda, no primeiro capítulo, a definição de apropriação de terras (Land Grabbing),
que ajuda na delineação do discurso, depois no segundo capitulo, oferece uma análise geral
sobre a questão da apropriação de terr as;no terceiro capítulo, o estu do analisa o papel do
Brasil como vítima, particularmente nas áreas de Cerrado e Amazônia; no quarto capítulo, o
papel do governo Lula na tentativa de deter a apropriação de terras e, na parte final, o papel
do Brasil como comprador, com foco especial na presença de investidores brasileiros em
Palavras-chave: Land Grabbing; Brasil; M oçambique ; Cerrado; A mazônia; Na cala.
1. Introduction. 2. What's Land Grabbing? The definition of the term. 3. The phenomenon of
Land Grabbing: A general analysis. 4. Brazil: the Role of Victim. 5. The Role of Lula'
Administration. 6. Brazil: the role as a buyer and the case of Monzambique. 7. Conclu sion.
1. Introduction
Land grabbing is not a new thing, but a phenomenon that has always
been pr esent in human history. For example, in pre-colonial land seizures
were linked with territorial wars, European enclosures in the North and
dispossession of native people in North America and Australasia. I n many
regions of the global South, land was first grabbed by pre-colonial leaders in
chronic territorial wars, then by colonial governments and, a second time, by
foreign or domestic corporations.
In the late-colonial and post-colonial deca des, bo th gov ernments
and civil society groups in many countries tried to correct some of these
historical distortions by land reforms or by other means to stimulate the land
redistribution to smallholders.
Some of these initiatives were modest reformist tentatively
intended to stem the radicalization of the rural poor as a political force, as in
Kenya's Swynnerton Plan of 1954, while others were adopted by newly
independent post-colonial states engaged in projects of indigenization,

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