Public policies for the assessment of quality of the Brazilian higher education system

AutorAlexandre Godoy Dotta
CargoProfessor of Scientific Methodology in the Autonomous University Center of Brazil (Curitiba-PR, Brasil)
Licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons
Licensed under Creative Commons
Revista de Investigações Constitucionais
ISSN 2359-5639
DOI: 10.5380/rinc.v3i3.49033
Public policies for the assessment of quality of
the Brazilian higher education system
Políticas públicas de avaliação da qualidade no
sistema brasileiro de ensino superior
Centro Universitário Autônomo do Brasil (Brasil)
Recebido/Received: 26.10.2016 / October 26th, 2016
Aprovado/Approved: 30.10.2016 / October 30th, 2016
Como citar esse artigo/How to cite this article: DOTTA, Alexandre Godoy. Public policies for the assessment of quality of the Brazilian
higher education system. Revista de Investigações Constitucionais, Curitiba, vol. 3, n. 3, p. 53-69, set./dez. 2016. DOI: 10.5380/rinc.
* Professor of Scientic Methodology in the Autonomous University Center of Brazil (Curitiba-PR, Brasil). PhD (Doctor) in Education
at the Pontical Catholic University of Paraná. Master in Education at the Pontical Catholic University of Paraná. E-mail: godoyale-
The present article aims to perform a historical and poli-
tical analysis of the emergence of the concept of quality
education in the Brazilian educational system. To reach
this goal, it examines the notion of the “right to educa-
tion” or “educational public service” as a public good. This
article also discusses the organization of the Brazilian
educational system and the issues related to the restricti-
ve and formal interpretations of educational assessment,
especially in the context of the neo-liberal proposal that
characterized the 1990s. It examines the concept of qua-
lity and the possibility of its implementation through the
determinations established in the Brazilian Constitution
according to a substantial interpretation of assessment
Keywords: public policies; assessment policy; higher
education, public service in Brazil; university autonomy.
O presente artigo tem como objeto a análise histórica e
política do surgimento da ideia de qualidade de ensino na
organização da educação no Brasil. Para atingir este propó-
sito problematiza a tomada do “direito à educação” ou “ser-
viço público educacional” como um bem público. Discorre
sobre a organização do sistema educacional brasileiro e
tece considerações sobre o problema das interpretações
restritivas e formais da avaliação educacional, principal-
mente nos termos da proposta neoliberal típica da década
de 1990. Faz considerações sobre o conceito de qualidade
e a possibilidade de sua efetivação por intermédio das de-
terminações constantes na Constituição brasileira, segun-
do uma interpretação substancial das políticas públicas
Palavras-chave: políticas públicas; política de avalia-
ção; ensino superior, serviço público no Brasil; autonomia
Revista de Investigações Constitucionais, Curitiba, vol. 3, n. 3, p. 53-69, set. /dez. 2016.
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Revista de Investigações Constitucionais, Curitiba, vol. 3, n. 3, p. 53-69, set. /dez. 2016.
Alexandre Godoy Dotta
1. Introduction; 2. Education as a fundamental right and duty of the state; 3. The organization of higher
education in Brazil; 4. The assessment of the quality of education; 5. Conclusion: Issues with the Na-
tional Higher Education Assessment System; 6. References.
The present article aims to study the relationship between public policies that
evaluate educational quality and the “public good” character assigned to education by
the Brazilian constitutional legal system: education is sometimes provided as a pub-
lic service and sometimes provided as a private economic activity. In Brazil, there is
a dierence between the legal system and the economic system of service provision.
However, the assessment policies are the same for both sectors, implying a strong state
intervention in regulating the sectors. In this context, the primary goal of the present
study is to provide an answer to the following questions: How were the public policies
that evaluate educational quality in Brazil established? Is the National Higher Education
Assessment System (Sistema Nacional de Avaliação de Educação Superior - SINAES) the
appropriate means to ensure the public character of education, as provided for in the
Federal Constitution?
These seemingly simple questions are of crucial importance at the present mo-
ment. Increasingly, assessment has become an instrument to verify economic or merely
managerial performance, with a preference for quantitative, estimative, and formal cri-
teria, to the detriment of the establishment of an assessment based on eectively quali-
tative and substantial policy proposals. The proposed study demands a fundamentally
deductive methodology, based on doctrinal and legislative research on the theme.
Interdisciplinary sources were chosen, taking as background the thoughts of
certain important educators. To achieve the goal of this study, it was essential to consult
legal authors who focus on public law, particularly within the context of fundamental
rights, public services, and the educational legal system itself. It seemed important to
present a brief initial exposition on education as a fundamental human right, which
results in general principles derived from sources that extend beyond the Constitu-
tion itself. Next, elements that contextualize the educational public service within the
organizational structure of the state were incorporated into the analysis. The aim was to
highlight the notion that the state has the “duty” of not only providing but also foster-
ing (supporting, defending, evaluating and protecting) education.
The core of the study focused on proposing the manner by which the assess-
ment of the quality of education can be framed as an eective public policy to be
implemented. This proposal occurs in both formal and material terms; that is, the as-
sessment process is observed according to (but not exclusively) what the legal system
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