The clauses of exception in 'domestic law' and in Hague Conventions
Autor | Dimitris Liakopoulos |
Cargo | Full Professor of European Union Law at the Fletcher School-Tufts University (MA in international law and MA of Arts in Law and diplomacy). Full Professor of International and European Criminal and Procedural Law at the De Haagse Hogenschool-The Hague. Attorney at Law in New York and Bruxelles. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1048-6468. The present work is... |
Páginas | 96-124 |
Revista Eletrônica de Direito Processual – REDP.
Rio de Janeiro. Ano 13. Volume 20. Número 2. Maio a Agosto de 2019
Periódico Quadrimestral da Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Direito Processual da UERJ
Patrono: José Carlos Barbosa Moreira (in mem.). ISSN 1982-7636. pp. 96-124
Dimitris Liakopoulos
Full Professor of European Union Law at the Fletcher School-
Tufts University (MA in international law and MA of Arts in
Law and diplomacy). Full Professor of International and
European Criminal and Procedural Law at the De Haagse
Hogenschool-The Hague. Attorney at Law in New York and
Bruxelles. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1048-6468. The present
work is updated until May 2019. Bruxelles, Belgium. E-mail:
RESUMO: O presente trabalho se prop̃e, depois de um exame preliminar necessário sobre
a terminologia e o nível de classificação, a analisar as cláusulas (em modo comparativo) em
questão segundo a legislação da EU e a jurisprudência a nível convencional. Nesta
reconstrução, será necessário identificar não apenas o conteúdo e o alcance dos dados
normativos, mas também compreender, até onde seja possível, com referências práticas, as
hipóteses que podem justificar e concretizar a não aplicação da regra de conflito destinada a
operar em geral, bem como o uso da cláusula de exceção.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Reg. 650/2012, Reg. 2016/1104, cláusulas de exceção, convenç̃es
de Haia, Direito Internacional Privado; Direito Processual Internacional; Direito
Internacional privado da União Europeia.
1 Artigo recebido em 17/05/2019 e aprovado em 21/07/2019.
Revista Eletrônica de Direito Processual – REDP.
Rio de Janeiro. Ano 13. Volume 20. Número 2. Maio a Agosto de 2019
Periódico Quadrimestral da Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Direito Processual da UERJ
Patrono: José Carlos Barbosa Moreira (in mem.). ISSN 1982-7636. pp. 96-124
ABSTRACT: The present work is proposed after a necessary preliminary examination on
the terminology and classification level to analyze the clauses (in comparative mode) in
question under EU legislation and jurisprudence at a conventional level. In this
reconstruction it will be necessary to identify not only the content and scope of the normative
data but also to understand with examples where possible supported by practical references,
the hypotheses that can concretely justify and concretize the non-application of the conflict
rule destined to operate in general as well as the use of the exception clause.
KEYWORDS: Reg. 650/2012, Reg. 2016/1104, clauses of exceptions, Hague Conventions,
international private law, International Procedural Law; European Union international
private law.
Introduction. The exception clause notion.
The expression clause exception, escape clause, exemption clause2, clause
èchappatoire ou d'excpetion, clause de escape, Ausnahmeklauseln, Ausweichklausel or even
Berichtigungsklausel appears relatively recently in private international law3 and constitutes
the fruit of a doctrinal elaboration.
Consider the use of the expression escape clause or clause èchappatoire which
enhances its functional profile. It is not only an exception to the rule but also an instrument
to escape the concrete application of a rule where this application produces results that are
not compatible with the principles underlying the rule itself. And having regard to the
2A. ABBASSI, H. BAZRPACH, Distinct ion between exception clause and exe mption clause, in
International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies, 2016, pp. 1906ss.
3K. SIEHR, General problem of private international law in modern codification. De lege lata and de lge
europea ferenda, in Yearbook of Private International Law, 7, 2 005, pp. 28ss. A.E. VON OVERBECK, Le s
questions gènèrales du droit international privè à la lumioère des codifications et projects rècents, in
Recueil des cours, 176, ed. Brill, The Hague, 1982, pp. 178ss. P. HEY, Advanced introduction to private
international law and procedure, Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham, 2018. From the CJEU see: C-
133/08, I ntercontainer of 6 October 2009, ECLI:EU:C:2009:617, I-09687. See also the green paper on t he
transformation of the co nvention of Rome of 1980 applicable to contractual obligations into a community
instrument and on the renewal of the same sub-section COM (2002) 654 final, where it is stated: "(...) the judge
may not apply this presumption when from all the circumstances it appears that the contract has a closer
connection with another count ry (...) "(art. 4, par. 5). In this case, we return to the general rule of looking for
the law with which the contract is most closely connected. This mechanism that makes it possible to return to
the general rule is called an exception clause (...) in general it can be said that it i s a rule that under certain
preconditions such as the closest connection of the facts to another jurisdiction allows the deviation form the
relevant written conflict rule (...)".
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