The Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements: from preparations to changes in brazilian legislation - part II

AutorBeatriz Duarte Correa de Brito, Josué Mastrodi
CargoDoutor em Filosofia e Teoria Geral do Direito pela Universidade de São Paulo (2008)/Mestra em Sustentabilidade pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas
Revista de Direito da Cidade vol. 13, nº 4. ISSN 2317-7721
DOI: 10.12957/rdc.2021.53685
Revista de Direito da Cidade, vol. 13, nº 4. ISSN 2317-7721. pp.1818-1854 1818
Josué Mastrodi 1
Beatriz Duarte Correa de Brito2
The objective of this article is to analyze the Brazilian federal legislation on the right to housing, published
between 1996 and 2016, to verify if there was influence of the Declaration of Istanbul, final document of
the Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II). After a presentation on the
current Brazilian housing deficit and the analysis of the Habitat II and its final document (Part I), a survey
on Internet portal the federal government was held ("Planalto" website) using the terms 'home' and
'housing'. Among the norms filtered by the research, 34 norms reflect principles and goals of Habitat II,
but only the City Statute makes direct reference to the Conference.
Keywords: Right to Housing Right to The City Conferences UN / Habitat My House My Life Program.
Brazil became a predominantly urban country in the mid-1960s, however, in the 20 years that
separated the first two UN-Habitat Conferences (1976-1996), the country underwent an intense
urbanization process, increasing from 60.8% to 77.6% the population living in urban areas (UN, 2014).
Allied to these processes, the discussion on housing gained increasing prominence in the international
community, with Habitat II being one of the main UN Conferences in the 1990s.
1 Doutor em Filosofia e Teoria Geral do Direito pela Universidade de São Paulo (2008 ). Mestre em Direito da
Administração Pública pela Universidade Gama Filho (2003). Especial ista em Direito Empresarial pela Pontifícia
Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1999). Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade de São Paulo (1994). Professor
Titular Categoria A2 da Pon tifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas. Membr o do corpo docente permanente dos
Programas de Pós-Graduação stricto sensu em Direito (PPGD) e em S ustentabilidade (PPGS) da PUC-Campinas.
Orientador de mestrado. Líder do grupo d e pes quisa 'Direito e Realidade Social' (CNPq/PUC-Campinas).
Afiliação:Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas Lattes: 31072927 ORCID:
2 Mestra em Sustentabilidade pela Pon tifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas. Possui graduação em Direito pela
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas. Tem exper iência na área de Direito, com ênfase em Direito Público.
Possui curso-técnico-profissionalizante em Meio Ambiente pelo Colégio Técnico de Campinas - Unicamp.
Afiliação:Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas. Lattes:http://la 051033179. ORCID:
Revista de Direito da Cidade vol. 13, nº 4. ISSN 2317-7721
DOI: 10.12957/rdc.2021.53685
Revista de Direito da Cidade, vol. 13, nº 4. ISSN 2317-7721. pp.1818-1854 1819
And this highlight had some reflections on Brazilian legislation, such as the publication of one of
the main urban organization norms in the world the City Statute and the creation of a housing program
that became a model for neighboring countries the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program.
The first part of this article, previously published, presented the importance of the housing issue
and analyzed the Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, held in 1996, in Istanbul,
Turkey, in particular its final document: The Istanbul Declaration.
In this second part, we will analyze the Brazilian federal norms (provisional measures, decrees,
laws, complementary laws, constitutional amendments) related to the housing issue, in order to assess
whether Habitat II directly or indirectly influenced the Brazilian legal system.
To do so, a search was carried out on the federal government's internet portal (Planalto website),
using the terms3 "dwelling" and "housing"4. After a brief analysis, the norms that have these terms, but
do not address this issue, were excluded.5. Other legal texts only deal with administrative and bureaucratic
issues6, without any impact on the right to housing, therefore, they will not be analyzed throughout the
3 The term “house” was not u sed, as all norms that contained the term “Casa Civil” were filtered, thus losing the
search filter.
4 Despite the difference in concepts between dwelling and housing, in this work, the terms were used as synonyms.
5 Legislative Decree n. 42, of May 20, 1998, provides for the construction of a building to expand the facilities of the
Brazilian embassy in Luanda, capital of Angola (BRASIL, 1998a).
The Decree of August 27, 2004, which deals with the sustainable development of the Municipality of Alcântara in
Maranhão (BRASIL, 2004c).
Law no. 12.415, of June 9, 2011, which amended the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (Statute of Children and
Adolescents) to determine that provisional alimony must be provisionally fixed in favor o f the child or adolescent
whose aggressor is removed from common housing by court order (BRASIL, 2011b).
6Decree no. 2450, of December 30, 1997, whi ch extended the validity of the registration in Remaining Payments of
the Programas de Habitação, de Saneamento e de Infraestrutura ( Housing, Sanitation and Infrastructure Programs)
(BRASIL, 1997b).
Law no. 9,649 of May 27, 1998, preceded by a series of provisional measures (1,549, 1,642, 1,651), deals with the
organization of the Presidency of the Republic and its Ministries. Dealing with strictly administrative issues , such as
the extinction of the positions of Secretary of Housing Secretariats; of Sanitation; and Human Promotion (BRASIL,
Decree no. 2,921, of December 30, 1998, which extended the validity of the registration in Remaining Payments of
the Housing, Sanitation and Infrastructure Programs (BRASIL, 1998c).
Provisional Measure n. 2.158, of August 24, 2001, which dealt with the non-integration of housing assistance to the
beneficiary's remuneration, in order not to deduct income tax (BRASIL, 2001c).
Provisional Measure n. 2181, of August 24, 2001, which, preceded by MPV n. 1655/98, MPV no. 1682/98, MPV no.
1755/98, MPV no. 1.868/99, MPV no. 1,885/ 99 and MPV n. 2,103/00, provides for financial transactions between
the National Treasury and other entities (BRASIL,2001d).
Law no. 10,885, of June 17, 2004, originated in MPV n. 175/04, which deals with th e legal relationship between
borrower and financing institution and between borrower and insurer under the FCVS (B RASIL, 2004b).
Decree no. 5,345 of January 18, 2005, which deals with PSH contract bureaucratic issu es (BRASIL, 2005a).
Decree no. 5,892, of September 12, 2006, which deals with loans and financing under the SFH (BRASIL, 2006d).
Decree no. 5,955 of November 7, 2006, which provides for the structure of s ome Ministries (BRASIL, 2006g).
Law no. 11,434, of December 28, 2006, conversion of MPV n. 321/2006, deals with contracts entered within the
scope of the SFH (BRASIL, 200h).
Law no. 11,578, of N ovember 26, 2007, resulting from th e conversion o f MPV n. 387/07, which defined that the
operationalization of the PSH in 2007 and 2008 would be the responsibility of the Executive Branch (BRASIL, 2007h).
Revista de Direito da Cidade vol. 13, nº 4. ISSN 2317-7721
DOI: 10.12957/rdc.2021.53685
Revista de Direito da Cidade, vol. 13, nº 4. ISSN 2317-7721. pp.1818-1854 1820
text. Thus, 41 rules remained, including ordinary laws, complementary laws, provisional measures and
decrees, to be studied below, in chronological order.
1. Law no. 9,300/96
Published in the Official Gazette of August 30, 1996, Law n. 9,300 amended Law n. 5,889, of June
8, 1973, which regulates rural work, to determine that the dwelling of rural workers, provided by their
employer, is not part of their salary, as long as it is expressed in a contract (BRASIL, 1996a). The 1973 Law
already allowed the discount of up to 20% of the rural worker's salary for the occupation of housing
provided by the employer, and the 1996 Law only regulates this issue, without any direct influence on the
right to housing, therefore not being reflection of Habitat II.
2. Law no. 9,514/97
Published in the Official Gazette of November 21, 1997, the law established the Real Estate
Financing System (SFI - Sistema de Financiamento Imobiliário), which had the purpose of financing real
estate in general, and established some rules on such financing (BRASIL, 1997a). This System would
facilitate the acquisition of a home, therefore, it is a norm aimed at promoting the right to property, and
not the right to housing. And, despite the Istanbul Declaration providing for financing to guarantee
adequate housing for all, the financing must not be abusive, under penalty of going against the
Decree no. 6,820, of April 13, 2009, which provides for the composition and powers of the Committee for
Participation in the Popular Housing Guarantee Fund (CPFGHab - Comitê de Participação no Fund o Garantidor da
Habitação Popular) and on the form of payment of quotas in the Popular Housing Guarantee Fund (FGHab - Fundo
Garantidor da Habitação Popular) (BRASIL, 2009a).
Law no. 12,024, of August 27, 2009, which deals with the payment of taxes by PMCMV partner construction
companies (BRASIL, 2009c).
Provisional Measure n. 478, of December 29, 2009, which provides for the extinction of the SFH's Housing Insurance
Policy (BRASIL, 2009e).
Decree no. 7,161, of April 29, 2010, which authorized the redemption of shares of the Popular Housing Guarantee
Fund (FGHab), from the Investment Guarantee Fund (FGI - Fu ndo Garantidor de Investimentos) and the Operations
Guarantee Fund (FGO - Fun do Garantidor de Operações), in shares issued by Centrais Elétricas Bras ileiras SA
Decree no. 7366, of November 25, 2010, which allowed the payment of shares of the FGHab (BRASIL, 2010c).
Decree no. 7367, of November 25, 2010, which provided for the form of qualification and co -qualification to REIDI
(BRASIL, 2010d).
Law no. 12,409, of May 25, 2011, which deals with Home Insurance. SFH (BRASIL, 2011a).
Law no. 12,712, of August 30, 2012, which dealt with the granting of guarantees by the Brazilian Agency for
Management of Guarantee Funds an d Guarantees SA (ABGF - Agência Brasileira G estora de Fundos Garantidores
e Garantias S.A.) against risks in housing credit operations (BRASIL, 2012).
Law no. 13,000, of June 18, 2014, which made the CEF's subpoena mandatory in the processes that are being
processed in the Sta te Courts th at have as their object the extinct SFH Housing Insurance p ublic policy (BRASIL,
Law no. 13,137, of June 19, 2015, which deals with the unified monthly payment by housing construction companies
(BRASIL, 2015b).

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