brazil series
5673 resultados para brazil series
- Data Protection Series: Brazil's LGPD Compliance Challenges
- Tax Treaty Series: The Bilateral Income Tax Treaty Between Brazil And Canada
- Tax Treaty Series: The Bilateral Income Tax Treaty Between Brazil And India
- Tax Treaty Series: The Bilateral Income Tax Treaty Between Brazil And South Korea
- Tax Treaty Series: The Bilateral Income Tax Treaty Between Brazil And Austria
- Tax Treaty Series: The Bilateral Income Tax Treaty Between Brazil And South Africa
- Tax Treaty Series: The Bilateral Income Tax Treaty Between Brazil And Spain
- Tax Treaty Series: The Bilateral Income Tax Treaty Between Brazil And The Netherlands
Wildfires spread across Brazil, devastating forests
Brazil has been facing a series of devastating wildfires in recent days. With no forecast for sufficient rainfall in the Central-West and Southeast, the intense heat wave could ...
- Em vigor Decreto nº 9.580 de 22/11/2018. Regulamenta a tributação, a fiscalização, a arrecadação e a administração do Imposto sobre a Renda e Proventos de Qualquer Natureza
Year-end highway auctions expected to generate R$40bn in investments
Brazil’s highway sector is set to conclude the year with a series of auctions, ...
Minerva set to raise R$600m in 5- and 6-year CRAs
Minerva Foods, the third-largest beef producer in Brazil, will raise R$600 million with an issue of Agribusiness Receivables icates (CRA) in two series maturing in 2025 and 2026, sources say. XP Investimentos and BTG Pactual ...
Minerva set to raise R$600m in 5- and 6-year CRAs
Minerva Foods, the third-largest beef producer in Brazil, will raise R$600 million with an issue of Agribusiness Receivables icates (CRA) in two series maturing in 2025 and 2026, sources say. XP Investimentos and BTG Pactual ...
Decreto nº 3.000, de 26 de março de 1999. Regulamenta a tributação, fiscalização, arrecadação e administração do Imposto sobre a Renda e Proventos de Qualquer Natureza.
... exigidos por outras leis fiscais, ou, ainda, substituí-los por séries de fichas numeradas (Lei nº 154, de 1947, art. 2º, §§ 1º e 7º) ... setor público, registrada no Banco Central do Brasil, por meio do "Brazil Investment Bond Exchange Agreement", de 22 de setembro de 1998, bem assim ...
Anomalies and Investor Sentiment: Empirical Evidences in the Brazilian Market
... sentiment. The study empirically tested the index series and its variation on the return series of Long-Short portfolios of 12 anomaly-based strategies. The study found that the measure of the sentiment index had a partial explanatory power for the anomalies only when included in the CAPM. Yet, when using the index sentiment changes as an explanatory variable, the study found a relationship with future returns, robust to all risk factors. Thus,...
Case of the Xukuru Indigenous People v. Brazil: A procedural trajectory before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights./Caso Povo Ind
... Thus, they have a series of shared decision-making bodies--all within their specificities--which has a traditional hierarchy based on the figures of the Cacique and the Pajé ...
Reply to "Comment on: 'Why is bank credit in Brazil the most expensive in the world"'?
... To explore these arguments and improve the context of the discussion of low creditor rights in the original article, we run a series of interviews with market agents of the Brazilian lending industry, including employees of commercial banks, fintechs' entrepreneurs and a former ...
A baixa incidência de pesquisa empírica e a cultura manualesca como obstáculos para o desenvolvimento do direito
O presente estudo busca compreender as razões pelas quais a pesquisa jurídica no Brasil permanece relativamente infensa à pesquisa empírica. Percebe-se que, em outras matrizes jurídicas, como é o caso dos Estados Unidos, a adoção dos estudos de campo já se encontra muito mais incorporada em seu repertório, tendo em vista o papel central da jurisprudência e o modo como ela reverbera na Academia,...
... present study seeks to understand the reasons why legal research in Brazil remains relatively unfriendly toward empirical research. In other legal ... Brazil, although a series of relevant initiatives are recognized to promote the adoption of ... -
Composite leading indicators of economic activity: An application to Rio de Janeiro's upstream oil and gas industry.
... has followed a new methodology; however, there was no break for the series dated back since 2002 ... The upstream oil and gas sector is Rio de ... to the literature on measuring and analyzing business cycles in Brazil (see, for example, Chauvet, 2000; Picchetti and Toledo, 2002; Issler, ...
Are country and size risks priced in the Brazilian stock market?
... , if the investor was evaluating an investment opportunity, say, in Brazil, the Goldman Sachs model would recommend the addition of a premium for ... In the first stage, time series regressions are used for estimating betas for the various risk factors ...
Brazilian banking cycle synchronization during COVID-19 crisis.
... Specifically in Brazil, there have been more than 27 million cases--more than 10% of the entire ... conditional relation between the stock market returns and COVID-19 series and, if any, which lead-lag conditions can be drawn, based on wavelet ...
Why is bank credit in Brazil the most expensive in the world?
... References ... Alencar, L. S. (2011). Revisiting Bank Pricing Policies in Brazil: Evidence from loan and deposit markets, Working Papers Series 235, Central Bank of Brazil, Research Department. URL: df ... Almeida, F. D. and Divino, J. A. (2015) ...
O jus cogens como mecanismo de proteção dos direitos humanos: o impacto da voz dissidente do juiz Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade
Jus cogens ou normas peremptórias são aquelas normas de direito internacional aceitas e reconhecidas pela comunidade internacional dos Estados como um todo como aquelas das quais nenhuma modificação, derrogação ou revogação é permitida, exceto por outra norma de mesma natureza. Em sua essência, as normas de jus cogens protegem os valores mais fundamentais da comunidade internacional e, em decorrên
... Advisory Opinion OC-20/09 of September 29, 2009. Series A No. 20) ... 24 Cançado Trindade participou nas seguintes decisões ... Series C No. 153, Para 128; Case of Herzog et al. v. Brazil. Preliminary Objections, Merits, Reparations and Costs. Judgment of March ... -
Trade deficit with the U.S. down 80% this year
Although Brazil runs a deficit, bilateral trade with the United States has been less ... the second highest figure for the period in the official historical series, according to data from the Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex/Mdic), ...
The recognition of new social actors and the checkmate of statutory law
... periphery of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, in Brazil, our paper exposes an experience used to reformulate the traditional presuppositions of the Theory of Law and advance towards a comprehension of Law that can be called pluralist, or dialogical. Our paper will propose a new role for statutory law in a context of contemporary societies, and a path, or a methodology that makes the transition of paradigm an open, inaugural process. With this...