innovation tax

519 resultados para innovation tax

  • Multilatinas and value creation from cross-border acquisitions: an event study approach.
    ... (East Asia and Latin America, for example) that have shown significant differences regarding the evolutionary path of their national innovation and production systems (Cimoli, Dosi, & Stiglitz, 2010) ... The evolutionary paths of national systems of innovation are the outcome of, among ...
  • Direito, desenvolvimento e liberdade: o direito tributário pode aprimorar esses conceitos?

    O presente artigo tem como objetivo estudar o desenvolvimento e a liberdade como um binômio fundamental para o século XXI e o papel do Estado para o atingimento dessas políticas. Para isso, evidenciou-se que o Brasil vem criando programas que evidenciam uma melhoria no desenvolvimento e na liberdade dos cidadãos, seja de forma individual ou na coletividade. Ademais, diferenciou-se crescimento...

    ... ͤ͜͞͝ foi divulgada pesquisa demonstrando que o Brasil ocupa a ͘͢͠ posição entre as economias mais inovadorasǡ segundo o Global Innovation Index ȋGIIȌ ͜͞ Ǥ O Brasil sendo a maior economia da América Latina e Caribe subiu cinco posições em relação ao estudo de ͣ͜͞͝ǡ mas ...
  • Decisão Monocrática do Tribunal Regional Federal da 4a Região do Brasil, Primeira turma. (Processo 5023138-58.2020.4.04.0000), 05-06-2020
  • Consumer complaints and company market value.
    ... doi: 10.1080/09652540903537030 ... Sorescu, A. B., & Spanjol, J. (2008). Innovation's effect on firm value and risk: insights from consumer packaged goods. Journal of Marketing, 72(2), 114-132. doi: 10.1509/jmkg.72.2.114 ...
  • Actual issues of cash flow management in enterprises in russia
    ... References ... Bagautdinova N.G., Galieva G.T., Pakhmutov Ya.O., Pratchenko O.V.(2014). Methods of Regulation of Processes of Innovation Business Development. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.5. No12. p.75-80 ... Alla Podgornaya, Svetlana Grudina, Sofiya Avdonina ...
  • Corporate Tax Comparative Guide
    ... the information technology export platform; Special regime for the purchase of capital goods by exporters; Incentives for technological innovation; Incentives for information technology and automated products; Incentives for the development of infrastructure; Technological development of ...
  • The so-called outsourcing (subcontracting) question and its regulation

    Apesar de a terceirização ser objeto de grandes controvérsias, existe um consenso acerca do conceito que a define. O objetivo deste texto é problematizar esse consenso e apontar suas contradições, demonstrando que a precarização do trabalho relacionada à terceirização não é uma contingência, mas corolário da natureza dessa forma de contratação de trabalhadores, que tende a reduzir as chances de...

    ... Publication date: 16 December 2014 ... UK. Department for Business, Innovation & Skills, Growth Dashboard: 22 January 2015 ... UK. Personal Service Company: recent debate. 2015 ... URIARTE, Ermida; COLOTUZZO, Natalia ...
  • Hypera wins bidding for Takeda assets in Latin America
    ... Mr. Oliveira, the CEO, said Hypera has investments in incremental innovation under way that may be an extension of the Buscopan line. "We have a robust pipeline of innovation in several therapeutic classes, seeking ...
  • Colonialismo italiano na Somália: questões de reparação pelos crimes cometidos

    This paper is an attempt to deal with questions concerning the legal tools provided for the implementation of the right to reparation with regard to Italy’s colonial domination of Somalia. In particular, it first endeavours to ascertain whether some of the acts of violence committed by Italy during its colonial occupation of Somalia might be deemed to be internationally unlawful at the time they...

    ... Tomuschat, Human Rights and National Truth Commissions , in Baher, Flinterman, Senders (eds.) , Innovation and Inspiration: Fifty Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rigths , Amsterdam, 1999, p. 152 ... 22 Seqüência (Florianópolis), n. 76, ...
  • Solar energy as a sustainable development factor

    This article examines the possibility of using solar energy as a viable alternative, necessary to diversify the country’s energy matrix under the potential the Northeast presents. The approach is made with a view to highlighting clean and renewable energy and a global effort to preserve the environment, embodied in treaties and legal instruments of International Law. The central core is the idea...

    ... of Constitutional Amendment ͤ͡ǡ of ͜͞͝͡ǡ demonstrated that the State in the role of economic inducing agent will prioritize innovation in order to promote the wellǦ being of allǡ as well as national progressǤ Therebyǡ the ͥͤͤ͝ Constitution thus providesǣ ... ArtǤͤ͞͝ ...
  • A tensão permanente entre expansão e crise do capitalismo: As Revoluções Tecnológicas e as bolhas Financeiras

    Partindo do conceito de paradigmas tecno-econômico desenvolvido por Freeman e Perez (1988) e pela articulação entre o capital produtivo e financeiro (Perez, 2002) na consolidação de cada Revolução Tecnológica associada, este ensaio articula inovação e bolhas financeiras. Nas quatro primeiras Revoluções Tecnológicas – Era da Mecanização; Era do Vapor e das Ferrovias; Era da Engenharia Pesada, Aço...

    ... Abstract: In this essay we theoretically articulate innovation and financial bubbles based on the concept of techno-economic paradigms developed by Freeman and Perez (1988) and on the relation between productive ...
  • Constitutional amendments and constitutional core values: the Brazilian case in a comparative perspective

    The debate over the exercise of primary and secondary constituent power is a long-lasting one and is grounded on positions diverging according to the interpretation of constitutionalism and democracy, and to the conception of constitution’s flexibility. In order to safeguard the sacrality of the fundamental Charter at the same time ensuring its flexibility, framers, moreover after WWII,...

    ... 45 ... The provision of unamendable clauses is not an innovation in the Brazilian constitutional framework and already 1891 Constitution – enacted after the abolition of the Unitary Monarchy – protected from ...
  • Motivadores de uso do Ride-hailing no Brasil

    Objetivou-se desvelar os motivadores de uso dos serviços de ride-hailing no Brasil a partir de análises fatoriais exploratória e confirmatória com amostra de 2950 usuários. Evidenciou-se seis variáveis indutoras de uso com apelo utilitarista de consumo impactados robustamente pelos facilitadores tecnológicos. Os resultados corroboram com parte substancial de pesquisas que apontam elementos de...

    ... A Center for Mobility Innovation, núcleo pertencente ao grupo de consultoria BCG apontou que em 2017, 3% dos quilômetros percorridos em viagens urbanas no mundo associaram-se ao ...
  • Internal corporate social responsibility and performance: A study of publicly traded companies.
    ... K. P. (2016). Linking social and economic responsibilities with financial performance: the role of innovation. European Management Journal, 34(5), 530-539. ... Chapman, D. S., Uggerslev, K. L., Carroll, S. A., ...
  • Information support for pro-competitive regulation of the socially significant regional markets

    Purpose of the study: The purpose of this paper is to provide a theoretical underpinning and develop the information support for pro-competitive regulation of socially significant regional markets. Research methods: The study mainly employed the method of analyzing the content of Internet resources and quantitative evaluation of the obtained results. The study involved the analysis of 757...

    ... not only well-developed antitrust legislation but also that the government stimulates inter-company competition that meets the needs of innovation-driven growth (Rozhdestvenskaya, 2015) ... In this regard, there is a need for clearer definitions in the area of pro-competitive regulation at ...
  • The Brazilian CRI Has Now The Same Tax Treatment Granted To Debentures
    ... or in the reimbursement of costs, expenses or debts related to investment projects, including those focused on research, development, and innovation. These costs, expenses or debts must be incurred within 24 months counted as from the date of closing of the public distribution.2 ... In the case ...
  • In The Wake Of WTO Decision, Brazil Changes Tax Incentives For Information Technology, Communications And Semiconductor Products
    ... , for financial credits which correspond to certain multiples of the expenses of the companies with activities of research, development and innovation. The resulting credit is limited to certain percentages of the gross revenues in the domestic market derived from the sales of ITC products defined ...
  • Monitoring and evaluation of public policies in Brazil: conceptual approach and trajectory of legal and institutional development

    O artigo investiga a área de monitoramento e avaliação de políticas públicas a partir de abordagem conceitual e de interpretação sobre seu desenvolvimento institucional no Brasil. Para tanto, são construídas analises críticas a partir das perspectivas jurídica e sociopolítica. Especificamente, são definidas e discutidas as funções políticas do monitoramento e da avaliação; discorre-se sobre a...

    ... & Montagner (2016), it originated in the first institutional organization of the MDS, which was created in 2004, and constituted as an innovation because it was the first body created specifically to carry out monitoring and evaluation activities of public policies. The Ministries of Health ...
  • A realização do direito à saúde por meio da Cobertura Universal de Saúde

    O reconhecimento do direito à saúde é um passo essencial para a promoção de avanços em termos de saúde pública e para que se alcancem elevados padrões de saúde física e mental na população. O direito à saúde na Índia é parte integrante do direito à vida, previsto no Artigo 19 da Constituição do país, mas não é reconhecido per se. A Cobertura Universal de Saúde tem como base os princípios de...

    ... he private sector needs to be roped in to complement public health system and to utilize the special features of private sector such as innovation, invention, choice, competitive quality. he public-private partnership framework needs to be much more robust than the current one and should ...
  • Effects Of The New Brazilian Code Of Civil Procedure On Tax Proceedings
    ... Another relevant innovation is that the judge have now the possibility of ruling the merits only in part if, for instance, the case involves a legal matter that does not require ...
  • Habeas Data, Habemus Algorithms: Algorithmic Intervention in Public Interest Decision-Making in Colombia

    [Purpose] Automated decision-making and algorithmic governance are increasingly implemented in Latin America in order to improve efficiency in public institutions. However, regulatory frameworks are limited, and the uncritical adoption of technological solutions might undermine fundamental rights, especially of marginalized and vulnerable groups. [Methodology] The article explores two cases of...

    ... of these documents did not provide sufficient information, it was necessary to review additional documents from organizations such as the Innovation and AI Laboratory of the University of Buenos Aires (IALAB) and the specialized NGO Karisma Foundation. Thus, this critical discursive analysis, when ...
  • COVID-19 in Business, Management, and Economics: Research Perspectives and Bibliometric Analysis

    This document aims to analyze co-citations with computational tools to identify the research perspectives related to COVID-19 in the areas of business, management, and economy. In addition, a bibliometric analysis is carried out that includes annual productivity, the most relevant authors, countries and institutions, the most cited documents, collaboration networks, and coauthorship. Information...

    ... Chesbrough (2020) highlights the importance of open innovation for pandemic recovery processes. Likewise, it is highlighted that strong leadership, effective planning processes, formulation of socio-economic ...
  • The working-time and the three spirits of capitalism/A duracao do trabalho e os tres espiritos do capitalismo.
    ... , from the late nineteenth century, which is associated with the ideas of liberation from traditional forms of personal dependence and innovation ... That spirit was also guided by the bourgeois values, which in the economic field was manifested by the tendency to rationalize everyday life in ...
  • Business-community relationships for extractive industries: A case study in Peru.
    ... As such, the long-term benefit of investors makes it possible for a company to invest in product innovation and, thus, to deliver high-value products that improve people's standards of living, in addition to goals other than profit alone. That is, as ...
  • The influence of andean constitutionalism on the formation of a new agroecological paradigm for law

    In the Anthropocene, increasingly complex problems affect modern societies. The triple burden of malnutrition and food insecurity are some examples of problems that illustrate the failure of modern agriculture and its associated production model. In this sense, this article seeks to outline the influence and some contributions of the Andean Constitutionalism to the formation and consolidation of...

    ... 8). The inheritance of the green revolution, which brought together with mechanization and innovation pesticides, genetically modiied organisms (GMOs) and the submission of small producers to large corporations, are a good example of the extent and ...

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