crimes contra a fauna em power point

85 resultados para crimes contra a fauna em power point

  • Modernas técnicas de investigação dos crimes ambientais cometidos por organizações criminosas
    ... , que em seu capítulo V prevê os delitos contra o meio ambiente, dividindo-os da seguinte forma: Seção I, Dos crimes contra a fauna; Seção II, Dos crimes contra a flora; Seção ... Fonte: Apresentação em Power Point na 1ª Conferência Amazônica do Clima e ...
  • Environmental infringements disputes solutions in Brazil and canada

    The purpose of this paper is to verify some possibilities applicable in Brazil and Canada, with literature review from both countries, in which the peaceful settlement of disputes is used in the solution of environmental conflicts. The question that arises is whether the two countries apply this formula in order to make a proper justice and whether laws are in accordance with that purpose. In...

    ... Canada also allows the provinces the power to facilitate this practice in order to assist ... as the responsibility to protects forests, fauna and flora (section VII). Another competence it to ... The second point was that this model seeks an agreement, a ... affirm that few environmental or “green crimes” are reported, fewer still result in criminal ...
  • From an idealized separation of powers to its practical problems in the Rule of Law

    O artigo apresenta a Separação de Poderes como um princípio. Isso significa que é uma das várias opções políticas possíveis. Tomamos essa concepção e então objetivamos explicar como ela se desenvolve com relevância em um Estado de Direito e seus procedimentos. Foi percebido analiticamente que essa concepção é idealizada pois falha em abordar problemas práticos. A principal problemática...

    ... the Law and the arbitrary exercise of power has to do with institutions and its procedures, ... Concept of the Law (1996) and from that point have since been extended to a point beyond what ... acts that will be considered environmental crimes (law nº. 9605/98), including the crime of ... cultural ou legitimação dos maus tratos contra animais?. Planeta Amazônia : Revista ... same device, there is a duty to protect the fauna, and, it was also not for a preservationist ...
  • Serra do curral - significados e importância de proteção

    A Serra do Curral é símbolo, patrimônio natural, cultural e paisagístico de Belo Horizonte desde sua fundação. E mesmo antes já era um símbolo de localização nos caminhos de Minas Gerais. Além disso, ela tem uma importância econômica enorme, já que é parte do quadrilátero ferrífero e desde a década de 1940 se explora ferro de sua área. Assim, tem se uma pseudocontradição entre sua importância...

    ... and has been standing out as a viewing point – today of the city of Belo Horizonte itself ... vegetal favorece o aparecimento de uma fauna diversificada. O pico de Belo Horizonte com 1390 ... of cultural identities and relations of Power, as well as issues of political economy. 3 ... Os atentados contra eles cometidos serão equiparados aos cometidos ... Natural; Lei 9605/98 conhecida como Lei de Crimes Ambientais; Lei 9985/2000 que cria o sistema ...
  • The precautionary principle and the risk concept / O princípio da precaução e o conceito de risco

    Objectives: This work focuses on the Precautionary Principle, starting from its current position as a principle still extra-judicial until the delineation of a procedural routine that effectively includes it in the quarrels in which the precautionary nature is evidenced. The context is the duty of care towards the environment, introduced in the main section of Article 225 of the 1988 Constitution.

    ... From the rigorous sociological point of view, there are studies that identify several ... The world experience with nuclear power in World War II was that of a catastrophe beyond ... It is noted that the killing of fauna specimens was practiced with the use of methods ... environmental disasters would at least be crimes with intent ... To assert that the agent ...
  • Public control from the environmental dimension

    The advances in the environmental policy and the environmental step in the business organizations has allowed articulating strategies of conservation and use of the natural resources of the environment like paradigm and. These advances have been inclusive to the normative development of the constitutional text to the civil matters, white-collar worker, you would pay tribute for his protection,...

    ... the theoretical, legislative and practical point of view ... Exacerbated by the lack of a ... under the generic term of environmental crimes relected in the direct or indirect accounting ... to prove the legality of a regulated power of the Public Administration. It is a process in ... are kept clean and that soil, lora, and fauna are protected “ ... Given all this legal ...
  • Inferences on the brazilian environmental crimes law in comparison with the Colombian Criminal Code

    Environmental topics have not borders, involve the understanding and interpretation of environmental laws in different countries and cultures. The objective of this research was to analyze the interpretative similarities and differences of environmental criminal laws of Brazil and Colombia, through a comparative study of the Brazilian Law of Environmental Crimes and the Colombian Criminal Code....

    ... materialized by the presence of the police power, and the processes in the three spheres can be ... regard to Brazil, Ribeiro & Silva (2014) point out the need for the Environmental Crimes Law to ... , to the management of toxic waste, to the fauna and flora in a more detailed way, and once, ...
  • International traffic in animals and protection of dignity

    The defense of biodiversity and the attributes concerning Dignity take on new contours with the advent of postmodernity. Using as an approach the hypothetical-deductive method and, as procedural the monographic study, we seek to analyze the criminal protection resulting from the crime of international trafficking in animals. Through the expansive conception of the concept of Dignity and its scope

    ... The amendment of the law on environmental crimes, suggesting new criminal types to address such a ... , the criminal protection of the Brazilian fauna in the face of the constant occurrence of the ... and its applications to nonhumans is at the point of current discussion since the coexistence and ... “The understanding of the power-duty power is what we indirectly address in the ...
  • The limits of the precautionary principle in brazilian environmental judicial decisions

    The object of the work is the analysis of the limits of the material and procedural effects of the precautionary principle, analyzing it directly into the brazilian court decisions. For this purpose, were collected the judgments available in the databases of several Brazillian Courts, wich showed a positive response to the term “precautionary principle”. Were analyzed a total of 182 judgments,...

    ... , in article 225, paragraph one, point V, in the following terms: ... Art. 225 ... guides the intervention of the public power in case of concrete evidence of serious and ... organized by major themes 31 , such as: fauna and lora, mining, conservation units, among ... infractions and environmental crimes. Certain and uncertain risks are assessed by ...
  • The resurgence of old forms in the exploitation of natural resources: the colonial ontology of the prior consultation principle

    The need to deal with anthropogenic effects over the environment surfaced in the 1960´s mainly due to accidents all over the world with severe impacts on the environment. Therefore, International Environmental Law gained traction and international institutions legitimacy based on the universality of the formation of International Law and the objectivity and neutrality of the science, generating...

    ... for capital accumulation (starting point) and the waves of decolonization in the Global ... well as biophysical reality (its flora, its fauna, its human inhabitants, the biodiversity of its ... imperialism is grounded on the exercise of power […] either through direct conquest or ... The commitment of crimes and terrorist acts, civil unrest, and ...
  • A legal-philosophical positioning against the metaphysics of the 'isms': an analysis on animals

    Initially, this paper proposes a historical resumption of the relationship between humans and other animals, from its prehistoric origin to domestication. Then, from Heidegger, the text criticizes metaphysical positions that intend to ground the human relationship with other animals, because they are arbitrary. It also criticizes the resumption of classical authors to justify a certain...

    ... UM POSICIONAMENTO JURÍDICO-FILOSÓFICO CONTRA A METAFÍSICA DOS “ISMOS”: UMA ANÁLISE SOBRE ... The question that arises is at what point in the evolutionary process did the food and ... the man-animal relationship, the Public Power could not neglect animal care (constitutional ... , some criminal types of protection of the fauna, has given an adequate response to conducts that ... 9605/98, which deals with environmental crimes in kind, including those harmful to fauna, as ...
  • Exemption of environmental licensing for rural activities in the state of tocantins a theoretical framework for an argumentative discourse

    This paper is the result of a descriptive research aimed at providing a theoretical framework and legal arguments for future court rulings, based on the legislative amendment brought about by Law 2,713/13 from May 9, 2019, within the State of Tocantins, which caused the exemption of environmental licensing for the exercise of agroforestry activities, contrary to the historical evolution of the...

    ... From the point of view of the objectives, it is an exploratory ... similar lora and fauna deined by the physical conditions predominant in ... service restated the Federal Government’s power to legislate on the general rules regarding ... individuals and legal entities that commit crimes against ... the environment criminally ...
  • A Aplicação do Direito Penal na Zona Econômica Exclusiva Brasileira: Aspectos Políticos, Geográficos e Econômicos

    A Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar e a Lei nº 8.617/93 estabelecem que o Brasil detém soberania, perante a comunidade internacional, na exploração e no aproveitamento dos recursos naturais existentes dentro da zona econômica exclusiva brasileira, bem como o poder de regulamentar a investigação científica marinha e a proteção do meio marinho nessa área. A exploração e o...

    ... e estrangeiros que poderão atentar contra bens juridicamente protegidos e, em face da ... -se-á, nas páginas deste trabalho que crimes praticados dentro da zona econômica exclusiva ... exclusive economic zone as well as the power of regulating marine scientific research and the ... , are effectively threatened or violated, in point of setting out the commission of a crime, the ... forma, caso provoque o perecimento desta fauna pela emissão ou carreamento de materiais, ...
  • Relatório DAS ATIVIDADES DA Administração ESTADUAL EM 2022
    ... maior quando falamos sobre violência contra a ... mulher. São Paulo fechou 2022 com o maior ... públicos estaduais em práticas de crimes de inserção de dados falsos no sistema de ... Appliances Firewall,1 Tipping Point e o monitoramento dos computadores com ... disseminado por meio de painéis de Power" BI, software da Microsoft. O objetivo desses pain\xC3" ... 17/3/2022. Criação da Coordenadoria de Fauna Silvestre, com incorporação de competências da ...
  • Lei Complementar nº 140/11 e fiscalização ambiental: o delineamento do princípio do licenciador sancionador primário / Supplementary Law nº 140/2011 and environmental inspection: developing the principle of the primary licenser-enforcer

    O presente artigo empreende, com base em uma metodologia calcada em análise bibliográfica e jurisprudencial, uma avaliação crítica do exercício da competência material comum de proteção do meio ambiente, com foco no poder-dever de fiscalização dos órgãos ambientais. De modo geral, o presente trabalho busca, a partir de um esforço hermenêutico envolvendo a norma e sua própria razão de ser, ir além

    ... protecting the environment, focusing on the power invested in environmental agencies to conduct ... , this paper addresses its main point of focus and, by means of an interpretational and ... formas e à preservação das florestas, da fauna e da flora ... Não era de se esperar menos ... contra empreendimentos licenciados ... A segunda ... ível considerar o que dispõem a Lei de Crimes Ambientais (Lei nº 9.605, de 12 de fevereiro de ...
  • The environmental regularization program (pra) as a new model of recovery of environmental liability: failure of 'punir to conscious'

    Brazilian environmental legislation, and especially the New Forest Code of 2012, sought to incorporate prerogatives of sustainability and sustainable development into Brazilian Environmental Law, culminating in meeting the needs of the current generation without compromising the needs of future generations. The legislation had aspects such as amnesty for crimes occurred prior to the year 2008,...

    ... had aspects such as amnesty for crimes occurred prior to the year 2008, seeking to ... present in humans; however, the starting point for the modern conception of environmental ... quality of life, imposing on the public power and the community the duty to defend and preserve ... of the environment; VII - protect fauna and lora, prohibited by law, practices that ...
  • Brazilia Law and the recognition of the rights of pets in childfree couples

    The purpose of this scientific work is to analyze the legal status of pets in our legal system, and verify that it is consistent with the defense of their rights in childfree couples as well as the dispute of such when the breakdown of marriage or stable union occurs. The Civil Code categorizes pets as livestock. In order for these animals to have their due regard, they should be treated as...

    ... It  is  important  to  point  out  that  the  postmodern  family  can   ...  history  mankind  has  exercised  power  over  other   living  beings  and  things, ... ,  where  we  live,  such  as  the  fauna,   the  flora,  the  natural  and ... the   environment   and   regulating   crimes   against  non-­‐‑human  animals, ...
  • The precautionary principle in the brazilian environmental law

    The problem to be addressed in this article is related to the precautionary principle and its incorporation into the Brazilian law. As it is beknown, this principle has been widely cited by Brazilian case law and it is an important part of the legal and environmental scholarly production. However, it follows that its application has been made fairly randomly, and even so there is no clear and...

    ... able to help decision making by the public power. That has led the Judiciary to develop ... amplification by the media of tragedies, crimes, social and economic difficulties has the average ... forth by it are not binding from the stand point of International Law. As it is known, legal ... to a balanced environment, the Brazilian fauna, to the population’s food safety and to the ...
  • Relativization of environmental regulation by emergency state

    Given the current context of economic and political crisis experienced in Brazil, we propose a discussion about the state’s role in the implementation of environmental protection measures, especially considering the scenario of environmental degradation in protected areas, such as conservation units, permanent preservation areas, among others, due to anthropic activities. Through a...

    ... in any form” and “preserve forests, fauna and lora”, as provided in art. 23, sections VI ... for legal compliance only to the Public Power. The Democratic State of Law provided for in art ... State of Emergency from the environmental point of view ... It is also intended to analyze ... 9 , which provide for environmental crimes, as provided by Law No. 9,605 of February 12, ...
  • The increase of punishment for ill-treatment of dogs and cats and the persistence of the anthropocentrist paradigm in brazilian legislation

    The Federal Law 14.064/2020 altered the Article 32 of the Environmental Crimes Law, which refers to the ill-treatment of animals, in order to increase the punishment when the act is committed against dogs and cats, prescribing 2 to 5 years of imprisonment, in addition to a fine and prohibition of custody. This provision treats equally sentient animals differently, overvaluing the sentience and...

    ... the Article 32 of the Environmental Crimes Law, which refers to the ill-treatment of ... ) face aos demais quanto a proteção penal contra maus-tratos, principalmente no que se refere ao ... provides that it is incumbent on the Public Power to prohibit practices that submit animals to ... is responsible for protecting flora and fauna, prohibiting conducts that submit animals to ... (Our emphasis) ... From the point of view of criminal law and criminal procedure, ...
  • The ecological damages recovery under the Brazilian Law

    This paper analyzes the ecological damages recovery under the Brazilian Law from a critical point of view, by studying the peculiarities and differences between ecological damages and environmental damages, as well as discussing how the aspect of recovery of damages is addressed in the comparative law. The methodology was based on a review of the national and foreign literature and legislation,...

    ... under the Brazilian Law from a critical point of view, by studying the peculiarities and ... 2. 1. 1 Judicial Power and Ecological Damage Assessment ... The ... ,605 of February 12, 1998 (“Environmental Crimes Law”) uses the terms (i) composition, ... economic development of native lora and fauna ... The FA is a fund governed by Decree No ...
  • Access to digital information in Brazil in cases of accidents: the example of Mariana's tragedy

    This article aims to discuss access to information on environmental accidents in Brazil, considering the digital age. The theme is justified by the importance of such information, which has the potential not only to prevent new accidents but also to save lives. To do so, we used the example of the dam accident occurred in Bento Rodrigues, Mariana district, in the State of Minas Gerais. In the...

    ... quality of life, imposing on the public power and the community the duty to defend and preserve ... protection and recognize, both from the point of view of government tasks and individual and ... 433/97); Law of Environmental Crimes (Law 9. 605/98); Statute of the City (Law 10 ... waters of the Tubarão River and the local fauna and lora. On February 5, 2016, the sand mining ...
  • Intergerational environmental justice in brazilian minerary production

    This work aims to expose how they have operated the mining activity in Brazil in the context of environmental sustainability and intergenerational justice, considering the damage that this activity causes to the environment and the necessity to preserve resources for use of future generations. Among the specific objectives are: to show Brazilian constitutional and infra-constitutional protection...

    ... , in a mobilization of the Public Power and of the collectivity, as entities legitimized ... /1998, which provides for environmental crimes. In addition, this work will verify the question ... In another point, it will be discussed about the intergenerational ... country’s genetic heritage and protect fauna and lora, as of the wording on art. 225, §1, ...
  • Environmental law & competition law: conflicts & complementarities from an environmental economics perspective

    The aim of this paper is to evaluate whether environmental restrictions or requirements are considered in competition law. Common sense conceives that a company that bears costs of complying with environmental requirements experiences increased costs and seeks to transfer it to the prices of its products. A possible consequence of this behavior is its effects upon the competitive position of the...

    ... Studies in the European Union point out that the intersection of competition and the ... ǡ a land lawǡ a forest lawǡ a right of fauna or a biodiversity rightǤ Environmental law does ... Also in the Brazilian Law of Environmental Crimes ȋLaw noǤ ͥǡ͢͜͡ǡ February ͝͞ǡ ... competition eơectively ȋand not typical power relations in free marketsȌǤ This enables ... SouzaǤ A crítica da razão indolenteǣ contra ...
  • Ballast water and bioinvasion: Brazilian legislation and the protection of marine environmental risks

    This article analyzes the use of water as ballast to balance the vessels, as well as the existing legislation in the country that protects, monitors and punishes those who are responsible for illegal shedding in national jurisdiction waters. That is important, considering ballast water has become a national and international risk with serious consequences such as bioinvasion. It was discovered...

    ... ítica Nacional de Meio Ambiente; Lei de Crimes Ambientais (9.605/98) e, especificamente, a ... the native reproduction patterns to the point of extinction. (PUTHUCHERRIL, 2011, p.388) ... the cities for water supply, hydroelectric power stations, etc. 3 MEPC: Marine Environment ... and damages to human health and to marine fauna can also be included into the above mentioned ...

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