
297 resultados para benefited

  • The bio-necropolitics of environmental injustices in Brazil

    In this study we discuss environmental injustices as an algorithm of the microphysics of powers. To this end, we aim at developing the concepts of biopower, indicating a conceptual insufficiency for interpreting the peripheries of capitalism, in such a way the notions of necropolitics will be addressed to discuss the perspective of "bare lives". Thus, using phenomenology panoramas and the...

    ... Accordingly, the movements for Environmental Justice arise, seeking to ensure decent living conditions for individuals who are not benefited from the political and economic system. We emphasize that this must occur by claims related to the exposure of people and housings to hazardous ...
  • Ability-based view in action: a software corporation study.
    ... Alpha's pursuit of Total Quality Management (TQM) benefited itself with successful achievements and international certifications, such as ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 during the 1990's. Alpha' s four divisions ...
  • Reflections on the concept of poverty and social change in Brazil: an analysis of the 'Bolsa Família' program

    The paper aims the analysis of the concept of poverty, searching a broader concept, which can reflect the real social needs, and the analysis of social changes that have occurred with the development of policies in Brazil, with emphasis on the Bolsa Família Program, which is the largest income transfer program in the country. We will study the traditional conceptions of poverty, the problems in...

    ... An important detail about the Bolsa Família is that not all families in need have been benefited, yet fulfilling the requirements of legislation. This happens because the budget is limited. Once exhausted the budget, no one can begin receiving ...
  • Acordos preferenciais de comércio: crise ou oportunidade para a OMC?

    O objetivo deste artigo, com base na análise dos principais pontos de confl ito entre APC e a OMC, foi defi nir se a proliferação dos APC representava uma crise ou uma oportunidade para a OMC. Para responder a essa pergunta, na primeira seção, este artigo analisou os sintomas que indicam que a proliferação dos ACP é uma crise normativa e institucional da OMC. Na perspectiva normativa, a regra do...

    ... Foreign investors are mostly benefited, regardless of their nationality. This is the case with CETA, for example: American investors who are in Canada will benefit from this agreement ...
  • IPO determinants of Brazilian companies/Fatores determinantes para a realizacao de ofertas iniciais de acoes (IPO) de empresas brasileiras.
    ... their IPOs, both because the market was more optimistic and receptive to the entry of new companies and because the companies themselves benefited from the net present value (NPV) of projects while they were able to do so, that is, while they were still able to borrow at competitive rates ...
  • Meio ambiente e trabalho: por uma ética ocupacional sustentável

    A temática meio ambiente de trabalho reproduz as complexidades dos riscos no mundo globalizado. No imbricar da inter-relação deste movimento de globalização da economia e da reestruturação produtiva, desencadeia-se uma série de consequências sociais; ao passo que a globalização e o surgimento de novas tecnologias beneficiaram o homem e, em contrapartida, deram-se à custa de uma margem de descaso...

    ... While globalization and the emergence of new technologies have benefited mankind, this has occurred at the expense of a degree of contempt and neglect for the integrity of those involved in the process. Thus, the need for ...
  • Steel consumption grows 23% in Brazil in 2021
    ... Benefited from higher steel prices in the international market, they generated $9.3 billion.In December, indicators focused on the domestic market lost steam ...
  • Disregarding Aristotle'S Motto 'Ubi Societas Ibi Ius': The biased genesis of human trafficking protocol and the consequences on its enforcement

    Aristotle’s motto "Ubi societas ibi ius" reminds us not only of the fact that where each society produces its own norms and regulations, but also that there must be a close inter-relation between the social reality of a phenomenon and its normative framework in order for a law to be effectively enforced. The definition of human trafficking contained in the Palermo Protocol was strongly influenced

    ... and social dissolution in many areas of the world (Stiglitz 2002:8), particularly in those areas of the Second and Third World, which have benefited from the technical and military assistance of the former superpowers (Moyo, 2009:24) ... It is in this complex and dynamic scenario where the ...
  • Ecuador after the commodities boom: a rentier society's labyrinth

    Luego de fracasar en la renegociación de las condiciones de la deuda con China, el gobierno de Lenín Moreno tocó a la puerta de las instituciones de financiamiento tradicionales para tratar de cubrir el déficit fiscal generado por la dramática caída de los precios del petróleo del 2014. Para poder cumplir con los acreedores internacionales, Moreno eliminó los subsidios a los combustibles...

    ... This, in turn, bankrolled what it might be called an “(up)lift effect”, in which all social classes benefited to different degrees (BURCHARDT; DIETZ, 2014; CEPAL 2019, 28). Yet, the regional improvement of economic and social development achieved during ...
  • Environmental function of property: a conceptual proposal

    The article intends to deeply examine the substance of the expression “environmental function of the private property”, verifying if the environmental function is a species of the genre “social function” and the relevance of the frequent usage of the term “social environmental function of property”. To accomplish that, it inserts the theme in the context of the General Theory of Fundamental...

    ... consumers ( as in the case of “ecological” tourist initiatives), the employees of these kind of business, the surrounding population benefited by the taxes generations, etc. These are the most common arguments when defending the economical entrepreneurism of the rural properties located in ...
  • Organizações camponesas e desenvolvimento socioeconômico na zona florestal do sul dos Camarões, 1992 a 2015

    O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar o contributo das organizações camponesas para a promoção do mundo rural na zona florestal do sul dos Camarões desde 1992, ano em que um decreto do presidente da República autorizou a criação de grupos de agricultores, até 2015. Com base em fontes arquivísticas, fontes orais e uma bibliografia seletiva, este artigo trata do surgimento das organizações de...

    ... Regions of Cameroon? What were their activities and the impact of the groups in the areas under study? The answers to these questions benefited from the following sources: archival, oral and a selective bibliography. Our analysis reveals that the disengagement of the government from the ...
  • Brazil in comparative perspective: the legacy of the founding, and the future of constitutional development

    Esse trabalho analisa a fundação constitucional brasileira e uma perspectiva comparada, procurando entender como a identidade da fundação influenciou o desenvolvimento constitucional ao longo das três décadas desde que o documento constitucional foi promulgado. Criando uma ligação entre o desenvolvimento histórico e político da fundação e o modo pelo qual a Constituição mudou ao longo do tempo,...

    ... This paper is but a small example of the many ways in which I have benefited from his scholarship and influence ... ** Master of Laws (LL.M) at Yale Law School (New Haven, United States). Master of State Law at Universidade ...
  • Justiça e Igualdade para todos? Representação proporcional na Bélgica e na França (1883-1921)

    Enquanto a Bélgica do século XIX é tradicionalmente enquadrada como dependente da França, essa imagem possui uma nuance diversa no que se refere ao seu sistema político. Durante o que Pierre Rosanvallon chamou de "momento proporcional" transnacional (1899-1914), a introdução da representação proporcional nas eleições parlamentares gerou um interesse francês na Bélgica como o "laboratório ...

    ... 12 Beneficiaries of a university degree or appointed in a higher administrative function benefited from two extra votes and were thus ‘triple voters’. 13 Those over 25 14 who either paid a rent tax of five francs 15 or owned their lodging ...
  • Pecuniary judicial executions on class actions: between the fluid recovery, the cy pres and the funds

    O objetivo deste trabalho consiste na análise da existência e do papel de uma reparação fluida dentro da execução de condenações pecuniárias envolvendo processos coletivos. Nesses casos, a legislação brasileira prevê que o montante oriundo deverá ser direcionado a um fundo que, por sua vez, cuidará da recomposição do bem jurídico. Isso tem sido denominado pela doutrina de reparação fluida, ou...

    ... However, this responsibility under some circumstances extends beyond polluters to include those who have benefited from clean sites such as current owners and operators – even though they had no involvement in the original contamination. Thus, the parties ...
  • Neoliberal hegemony versus social justice

    It is possible that the hegemony constitutes the finished shape, the closing of the rational paradigm in the 20th century, and that from it we have met doomed to this period of disturbances, chaos, uncertainty, a sort of tedium. Already we cannot think the power from the old devices with which the privileged classes or the capital perpetuated its domination. The analyses that were uncovering the...

    ... Chomsky says: “while protectionism and state violence benefited greatly to England and the United States, and the rich industrial countries in general, liberalization imposed by the imperial powers created, to ...
  • Transitional Law and Democracy: late responsibility for torture and other atrocities that ocurred in brazilian Military Coup

    The main purpose of this study is to focus on the consequences of torture and other atrocities occurred during the Brazilian military coup. Through hypothetical-deductive and inductive methods, it aims to expose the decision of the Supreme Court concerning the Amnesty Law, international condemnation of Brazil in Araguaia case and the responsibility of the State for the death and disappearance of...

    ... political crimes, as well as those exiled and also the persecuted by the repressive government, who are actually the ones that should be benefited by amnesty measures, but also tried to cover the agents that handled the repressive system and perpetrated crimes against humanity. That was part ...
  • The elements of tradition and modernism in nineteenth century azerbaijani literature: east - west thought and religious-mythological motives

    The literary orientation based on common principles is determined on the same cultural, ethical and aesthetic traditions, the same outlook, philosophy of life, related principles of creativity and the unified social, cultural and historical environment. Public and political views also usually act as a powerful driving force. The nineteenth century literature is one of the stages distinguished...

    ... religious symbols for many centuries and also successors of Fuzuli line who is considered the leading figure of this literature, they have benefited greatly from the mentioned symbolic expressions. In the development of Azerbaijani literature which develops on its national roots, along with the ...
  • Smart Tourism Destinations: (Mis)Aligning Touristic Destinations and Smart City Initiatives.
    ... the smart city project was that, as a tourism destination, not only the local citizens but also travelers from all over the world would be benefited and learn about the project (Guimaraes, 2015) ... STDs are special cases of smart cities that take advantage of the existing technological ...
  • Neoliberal hegemony versus social Justice

    It is possible that the hegemony constitutes the finished shape, the closing of the rational paradigm in the 20th century, and that from it we have met doomed to this period of disturbances, chaos, uncertainty, a sort of tedium. Already we cannot think the power from the old devices with which the privileged classes or the capital perpetuated its domination. The analyses that were uncovering the...

    ... Chomsky says: “while protectionism and state violence benefited greatly to England and the United States, and the rich industrial countries in general, liberalization imposed by the imperial powers created, to ...
  • O programa mais médicos e seus impactos no mercado de trabalho médico do Brasil

    O presente artigo tem o objetivo de apresentar de forma sistemática os resultados iniciais da pesquisa que analisa os impactos no campo da medicina de algumas políticas públicas implementadas durante os governos de Luís Inácio Lula da Silva e Dilma Rousseff (2003-2016) e que levaram, por um lado, ao aumento substancial do número de vagas e cursos de medicina no Brasil e, por outro, permitiram a...

    ... present reflection seeks to answer questions such as: What are the consequences for the medical class of such abrupt transformation? Who benefited from the expansion of this labor supply in the country? How to understand the changes in the brazilian medical labor market in a context of major ...
  • Chinese investment in the Northeast region of Brazil: an analysis about the renewable energy sector.
    ... In this scenario, the Brazil has been benefited from rising shares of Foreign Direct Investments in recent years. In the photovoltaic solar sector alone more than 130 thousand jobs were created ...
  • Validity and time of contractual obligations arising from compensation in Iran and British Law

    Three ways to enforce the same obligation are to terminate and pay damages in respect of the guarantee of contravening contractual obligations in common legal systems, although the primacy of these compensatory methods varies from one to another in each system. In England, four types of damages are foreseen for breach of contractual obligations: compensatory or remedial damages, recovery or...

    ... the device on time; he must pay for the losses caused by the loss of his interests, because if he fulfilled his commitment, he would have benefited. Two methods are used to calculate the expected loss: ... In the first method, which is used more often in defective or incomplete implementation ...
  • The Multiple Tensions of Organizational Hybridism: A Look at the Translation Perspective and Open Strategy in a Social Enterprise.
    ... With the expansion of the number of institutions, those which had been working for ES for longer, and had already benefited from projects and/or volunteer work, now felt that they were more distant from ES due to their interactions not being as intense or frequent as they ...
  • Socio-territorial transformation informed by globalization, driven by the megaproject The Mayan Train from the scope of Balancán, Tabasco, Mexico

    In Mexico, transformations in the territory have obeyed strategies motivated by the paradigm of globalization under the influence of public policies focused on planning processes in areas of specific interests, causing the emergence of revaluation of areas as potential tourist attractions. The present study is focused on identifying those transformations that have repercussions on local interests

    ... Although the arrival of The Mayan Train to the area has benefited Balancán in terms of public investment (infrastructure, equipment and services), it is necessary to think about the background of this initiative, ...
  • Once and for all: when the government conciliates citizens' claims
    ... Furthermore, the conciliation precludes subsequent suits without any further formalities. In other words, it has benefited from any necessary judicial endorsement. As previously mentioned and explained in due course, some jurisdictions require such a court approval, but ...

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