
126 resultados para possessed

  • Origin of Parliamentarism: an historical review from its crisis : León (Spain) as cradle of Parliamentarsim

    The recognition of The Decreta of León of 1188 as the "oldest documentary manifestation of the European parliamentary system" by Unesco on 19th June 2013 and its inclusion in the International Memory of the World Register is the starting point of this paper. The explanation argues through a dialectic methodology. Thesis: England first developed the idea of representative government and...

    ... did cause such disturbance he would pay twice damage done to me; and he would lose my favor , benefit and any land of mine if he possessed. [VII] Ditto. I also established that none dares to violently take either anything pe rsonal property or real property that would ...
  • The socio-environmental function of brazilian rural property and disappropriation for social interest for purposes of agrarian reform / A função socioambiental da propriedade rural brasileira e a desapropriação por interesse social para fins de reforma..

    O presente artigo consubstancia estudo sobre a função socioambiental da propriedade rural. A partir de uma interpretação sistemática da Constituição Federal de 1988, da legislação ordinária, amparada pela doutrina e pela jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal, defende-se a ideia de que a propriedade rural no Brasil, embora possa figurar como “produtiva” sob o ponto da economicidade, nos...

    ...The authors argued that this property possessed GUT and GEE levels compatible with the indices required to fulfill its social function. In judicial review, it was found that the GEE index was ...
  • Arguments of dignity and pluralism concerns in recent constitutional court adjudication

    The paper aims at discussing the growing importance of dignity discourse in human rights case law, in particular in recent constitutional and supreme courts cases on controversial rights. Starting from same-sex marriage rulings (as illustrative of a more general trend) the paper argues that dignity cannot be considered a mere “rhetorical tool” of courts, useful to tilt the balance in favour of...

    ... viewed as individuals or in their same-sex relationships, did not have the inherent dignity and were not worthy of the human respect possessed by and accorded to heterosexuals and their relationships. This discrimination occurred at a deeply intimate level of human existence and ...
  • El impacto de la crisis de 2008 en la estructura temporal de correlación condicional de BM&FBOYESPA.
    ... levels of volatility, because the only parameter that remained significant over time was [c.sub.11], indicating that only IBOV's volatility possessed a level with nonzero support, a behavior previously observed in other pairs of analyzed series. Values found for the C matrix indicates that ...
  • The special urban individual and collective usucapion by interversio possessionis of precarious tença in possession ad usucapionem pro morada, pro labore e pro misero

    It is a research that applies concepts of the civilistic and problematic of the possessory right to the special urban usucapion (collective and individual). It aimed to investigate answers and understandings around the question whether or not there is the intervention of possession of precarious tença, a matter that is still a problem in the scope of Civil Law for configuring possession ad...

    ...etc. To this desideratum, I have as a present and I attach the understanding of [name omitted], according to which - " what he possessed as Lessee, for example, as long as he rejected the owner, failing to pay the rents and making him feel, unequivocally his dominion claim is beyond ...
  • A construção da identidade pessoal
    ... direitos, como de fato em todos os outros direitos reconhecidos pela lei, é inerente a qualidade de ser possuído ou dominado [ owned or possessed ] – e (como esse é o atributo distintivo da propriedade) pode haver alguma razão ao falar desses direitos como propriedade. Mas, obviamente, eles ...
  • An Essay on Culture

    Despite much uncertainty about what culture is, where it comes from, and where it goes once it is gone, two core understandings are of culture as meaning and value. Both value and meaning are not well known, let alone understood. We probe some common and conventional understandings of culture, and trace their intellectual history. In the modern history of the West, Kant’s philosophy bestows the...

    ...The will-to-power does not stop or end when power has been secured. Power, understood with Nietzsche, cannot really be possessed" or had, least of all by persons and their ability to will, desire, or want. The will-to-power does not have the same presence as the “mental states\xE2"...
  • They're talking about penal abolition: The urgency of re-imagining different paths as alternatives to the criminal justice system

    Este artigo pretende afirmar a centralidade dos temas da segurança pública e do populismo penal para a compreensão da conjuntura política atual. A partir desta premissa, mostraremos como estes temas são trabalhados por setores antagônicos da sociedade. Então, a partir da crítica da pena de prisão e do controle, será possível oferecer chaves para compreensão do momento em que vivemos e respostas...

    ...Justiça de Transição no Brasil: Direito, Responsabilidade e Verdade. São Paulo: Saraiva. 2010. p. 86. . 47 “No punishment has ever possessed enough power of deterrence to prevent the commission of crimes.” ARENDT, Hannah. Eichmann em Jerusalém: um relato sobre a banalidade do mal. São ...
  • Inferencialist Pragmatism and Dworkin's 'Law as Integrity

    The paper aims at justifying an interpretation of Dworkin’s theory of Law as Integrity that brings it closer to philosophical pragmatism despite his rejection of legal pragmatism. In order to achieve this aim, this work employs a classification of philosophical commitments that define pragmatism in a broad and in a narrow sense, and shows that legal pragmatism follows the main thinkers of...

    ..., derived from the previous one, to the philosophers mentioned above: “the point of talking about the content expressed or the meaning possessed by linguistic expressions is to explain at least some features of their use”. (Brandom, 2011, p. 58) . This is a commitment to a methodological ...
  • Once and for all: when the government conciliates citizens' claims

    Like the chorus in Shakespeare’s Henry the Fifth, those who proceed on behalf of society at large should have both the first and last word. They should possess the capacity to undertake this act of representation, whether in or out of court, with forcefulness and finality. Indeed, a genuine representative should not have to run the risk of others thereafter embarking upon the matter anew and...

    ...She could insist on the recognition of his substantive pronouncement insofar as he possessed jurisdiction and legitimacy. She could reject any request to revisit his findings on grounds of mistake however gross. In a legal system that does ...
  • Multicultural character of Brazilian constitutionalism: self-determination of peoples in the 1988 Constitution and the legacy of José Bonifácio

    Asleep in the deepest roots of our country’s history we find the elements needed to understand all that surrounds us today, including in relation to the legal world. As well accentuates Ricardo Marcelo Fonseca "only if comprises the Law effectively when it connects with what preceded us and what we have inherited from the past." 3 Thus, it is never awfully avail ourselves of the birthplace of...

    .... To black people - abolished slavery in 1888 - had guaranteed ownership of the lands they possessed, locus of physical and cultural existence of these people - maroon remaining in article 68 of the Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act. . To the ...
  • Capacidades institucionais que dotam a agência individual e coletiva para a mudança institucional (Revisitando Selznick)

    A corrente sociológica do neoinstitucionalismo organizacional incorporou diversas abordagens de análise para compreender as instituições, que apresentam perspectivas tanto macrossociológicas quanto microssociológicas. Na perpectiva macro, a ação dos atores sociais é definida pelas instituições e, na perspectiva miro, há uma ênfase na ação dos atores sociais na dinamica institucional. Esse estudo

    ...The development of new practices is dependent on the degree of reflexivity possessed by social actors (ABDELNOUR; HASSELBLADH; KALLINIKOS, 2017), and actions can be either intentional or not (BEUNEN; PATTERSON, 2019). This approach ...
  • Legal pluralism: an approach from the new latin american constitutionalism and the jury of the indigenous court

    Por meio do presente artigo, busca-se fazer uma análise, ainda que sucinta, da forma como os indígenas se inserem no contexto do novo constitucionalismo latino-americano com enfoque especial no aspecto do pluralismo jurídico e na forma como os indígenas atuam perante o Poder Judiciário. Para tanto, são analisados os casos paradigmáticos das Constituições equatoriana e boliviana, e também da...

    ... an attempted murder, in which the native defendants attempted measures to marshal another native life because they believed the victim was possessed by a bad spirit. The belief of the accused in the presence of the spirit at that moment, according to the defense, was due to the constant, ...
  • As semelhanças entre a Primavera Árabe e os protestos de 2013 no Brasil

    O estudo a ser desenvolvido no decorrer do presente artigo tem por objetivo preponderante analisar a influência da Primavera Árabe sobre as manifestações ocorridas no Brasil, em 2013, que culminaram com o Impeachment da então Presidente da República. Como resultado, tem-se ainda o escopo de identificar a correlação entre as atitudes adotadas pelos manifestantes no mundo árabe e no Brasil....

    ..., that is, there was no organized movement, but a union of people suffering from the same socioeconomic problems and that they thus possessed the . Seqüência (Florianópolis), n. 86, p. 10-27, dez. 2020 17 Mohamed Arafa – Lucas Reis da Silva – Rafael Moreno de Santiago Santos ...
  • The Enhancing Impact of Friendship Networks on Sales Managers' Performance

    This paper examines how relationships with friends moderate the impact of professional networks on sales performance. Based on a sample of 204 sales managers in a professional service company, this study presents evidence that friendship networks amplify the effect of sales forces’ professional networks on new product sales as well as on prospecting and converting new deals. Our results offer...

    ... via social networks) in order to gain access to useful resources possessed by other people in their firm ( Steward et al. , 2010; Workman , Homburg, & Jensen, 2003). . A network is the social capital created within a ...
  • Editorial.
    ...In particular, the impact of number of credit cards possessed and of knowledge about interest rates charged are examined. . I would like to conclude by expressing my satisfaction about the recent appointment of ...
  • Decisão da Presidência nº 379500 de STF. Supremo Tribunal Federal, 6 de Diciembre de 2007
    ... efeitos, como se jamais, em qualquer tempo, houvesse possuído eficácia jurídica - is to be regarded as having never, at any time, been possessed of any legal force. Os nossos tratadistas também não indicam a razão jurídica determinante desse efeito amplo. Repetem a doutrina dos escritores ...
  • Decisão da Presidência nº 379500 de STF. Supremo Tribunal Federal, 6 de Diciembre de 2007
    ... efeitos, como se jamais, em qualquer tempo, houvesse possuído eficácia jurídica - is to be regarded as having never, at any time, been possessed of any legal force. Os nossos tratadistas também não indicam a razão jurídica determinante desse efeito amplo. Repetem a doutrina dos escritores ...
  • Access to tacit knowledge by executive retention in crossborder acquisitions.
    ...More limited consideration has been given to whether the knowledge possessed by the executives of an acquired company or their tenure influences the acquiring company's decision to retain or release them (Bergh, 2001; ...
  • Activity Based Costing knowledge: empirical study on small and medium-size enterprises

    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a taxa percentual de uso e o conhecimento do custeio baseado em atividades (ABC) nas empresas de pequeno e médio porte portuguesas e, ao mesmo tempo pesquisar a existência de quaisquer fatores que poderiam explicar a razão pela qual este método não é usado entre a maioria das empresas. Os dados coletados permitem concluir que nenhuma dessas empresas utiliza o...

    ...Dearman and Shields (2001) analyzed the amount of knowledge that these managers possessed regarding the behavior of costs and their role in the decision making process when faced with concrete problems of product pricing and other ...
  • O pragmatismo estético e social de John Dewey

    Numa divisão tradicional, a estética, a epistemologia e as questões sociais ocupam campos teóricos distintos. Embora esses campos se relacionem com frequência na literatura, poucas vezes são tão unidos quanto na filosofia de John Dewey. Para este autor, um iluminista no sentido mais poético do termo, a compreensão do mundo é estética, e o conhecimento científico pressupõe, em última instância, a...

    ... . 11 The greater danger to the individual than the inability to perceive the meaning possessed by any individual thing lies in long exposure to fragmented social aesthetics, which produces habits that inhibit the ability to perceive social ...
  • Show
    ..."Institutionalized" e "Possessed to skate" são seus hits. Circo Voador:. Rua dos Arcos s/nº, Lapa - 2533-0354. Ter, às 21h. R$ 180. Meia-entrada com 1kg de alimento. Não ...
  • O Federalismo no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos: Um estudo comparado numa abordagem histórica

    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo explicar os processos históricos estruturantes das constituições brasileiras e norte-americanas. No desenvolvimento do tema busca-se estabelecer um paralelo entre os padrões constitucionais das duas nações de forma a evidenciar a importância dos fatos históricos na determinação das profundas

    ... of all: how should the powers given to the new government be enforced? Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government had possessed -- on paper -- significant powers, which, in practice, had come to naught, for the states paid no attention to them. What was to save the new ...
  • The Role of Court and Attorney in Judicial Conciliation

    This article thoroughly examines the role of court and attorney in judicial conciliation in civil procedure in Lithuania, because the role of court and attorneys in conciliation of parties is being discussed increasingly both in Lithuania and in other countries.

    ...It is important that the judges were familiar with possible methods of conciliation, possessed both theoretical and practical knowledge how to lead negotiation properly. In order to conduct judicial conciliation properly and complete it ...
  • Brazil Enacts Law On Voluntary Disclosure Of Unreported Offshore Assets
    ... a description of actions taken by the individual that qualifies as among the crimes included in the amnesty as well as the assets and funds possessed must be made. More specifically, said description must include:. (i)  the declarant's identification;. (ii)   the necessary information to ...

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