
611 resultados para traditions

  • Explaining state constitutional changes

    O artigo tem o objetivo de analisar os fundamentos e os métodos de alteração das Constituições estaduais nos Estados Unidos. Reconhece um certo padrão nos processos politicos de mudança das Constituições estaduais, mas também destaca que, em cada caso, alguns grupos sociais específicos atuam de modo mais intenso. Além disso, analisa como forças políticas externas podem influenciar as alterações...

    ... 66 ELAZAR, Daniel J. The Principles and Traditions Underlying State Constitutions. Publius: The Journal of Federalism , Oxford, vol. 12, n. 1, p. 11-25, jan./mar. 1982. p. 22 ... 67 GARNETT, ...
  • False Dichotomies (Part I): The Axiomatic Systems of Science and Religion, and Implications for Scholarly Publications.
    ... Second, both science and religion are formed by smaller communities that espouse slightly different or even incompatible traditions and views of the world. On the side of science, for instance, positivists and phenomenologists, not to say the advocates of noetics (Foltz, 2013; ...
  • Teorias da prática social para pesquisas em contabilidade gerencial: possibilidades a partir de Pierre Bourdieu e Anthony Giddens

    Recentes estudos sobre pesquisas em contabilidade no Brasil evidenciam sua baixa diversidade e uma certa incapacidade de repensar sua orientação positivista e de perceber possíveis incompletudes, desordens, contradições e a complexidades do fenômeno contábil. Considerando esse cenário, o objetivo deste ensaio teórico bibliográfico é apontar as possibilidades de investigação fenômenos...

    ... In: PRASAD, P. Crafting Qualitative Research: Working in the postpositivist traditions. New York: M.E.Sharpe, 2005. p. 183-209 ... 230 ISSN 2175-8069, UFSC, Florianópolis, v. 15, n. 35, p. 204-232, abr./jun. 2018 ... Rosenery ...
  • Reformando o processo civil mediterrâneo: existe necessidade de terapia de choque?

    O autor divide os países europeus em dois grupos, de acordo com a eficiência de seu respectivo sistema jurídico-processual. Primeiro, aqueledos Estadoscujo relativo sistema é ineficiente, o qual denomina "mediterrâneo", em razão de a maioria dos referidos países estar situada às margens do mar de mesmo nome. Segundo, aquele dos países cujos sistemas são eficientes. Em seguida, procura identificar

    ... Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999; VAN RHEE, C.H. (Ed.). European Traditions in Civil Procedure (Ius CommuneEuropaeum, 54 ). Antwerp: Intersentia, 2005 ... Revista Eletrônica de Direito Processual – REDP ... Rio de ...
  • "Regardless of their sex" or "biological differences". An analysis of the European Court of Human Rights' case law on women in prison/"Independentemente do seu sexo" ou "diferencas biologicas". Uma analise da jurisprudencia sobre mulheres em situacao de privacao de liberdade do Tribunal Europeu dos Direitos Humanos.
    ... the Court is embracing a more sociological view of gender, acknowledging the gendered dimension of the law and stating that "references to traditions, general assumptions or prevailing social attitudes in a particular country are insufficient justification for a difference in treatment on grounds ...
  • Analysis of the russian experience of creating territorial brands

    This paper shows the features of spatial development of branding in various regions of the Russian Federation. The ways of development and promotion of territorial brands both in large and in small towns of Russia were considered. Based on the description of a large number of Russian regional brands, the paper presents a comparative analysis and shows their advantages and disadvantages. Much...

    ... Price: 400,000 rubles ... Author: CityBranding ... Logo: 8 pictograms (Regional power plant, Culture, Commitment to Traditions etc.) ... Slogan: Dobryanka – the Capital of Graciousness ... Fig. 7. Dobryanka city brand ... Dobryanka is a small town in Perm region, which ...
  • Democracia comunitária e comunitarismo andino: aportes descoloniais desde a experiência latino-americana

    Há uma polarização nas academias Ocidentais entre o individualismo e o comunitarismo. Entretanto, as teses comunitaristas hegemônicas acabaram, apesar de suas próprias críticas, assumindo valores particulares como núcleos dotados de validade universal. Diante disso, propõe-se refletir criticamente a respeito dos limites dos debates eurocentricamente definidos, problematizando o sentido e papel da

    ... , it proposed to reflect critically on the limits of the Eurocentric debates, problematizing the sense and role of the community in two traditions: the western hegemonic and the Andean. Such reflection is important to reveal some axioms that are not perceived if analyzed within the limits of ...
  • Doing Archival Research in The Gambia: Locating and Appraising the Sources

    This article discusses the various archival research resources in The Gambia. It seeks to introduce to future researchers on The Gambia the wide choice of archival and secondary sources available in the country.

    ... Revista Esboços, Florianópolis, v. 25, n. 39, p. 49-67, jul. 2018 ... both oral traditions and materials or objects of culture. In 1974, it was became known as the Oral History and Antiquities Division (O.H.A.D). Subsequent legislation ...
  • Legal Research: empirical analysis, philosophical work and the 'non research' kind of studies

    The paper focuses on the contemporary debate about legal research, with attention to the Brazilian situation. This discussion has intensified over the last decade and it is already possible to draw some prospective considerations and critical assessments about the difficulties in differentiating the various types of work produced by graduate programs and researchers. The first section reviews the

    ... Legal scholarship has historically followed two broad traditions. The first, commonly called ‘black-letter law’, focuses heavily, if not exclusively, upon the law itself as an internal self-sustaining set of ...
  • On the culture of philosophical dialogue

    The article is devoted to intraphilosophical dialogue and those obstacles that threaten it. One of these obstacles seems to be the self-reflection of philosophers that philosophy itself is an insult and is only possible as an insult. They argue that philosophy, challenging the opinion of authorities or the majority, thereby carries an intellectual insult. In the course of the conceptual analysis...

    ... vicious (snobbish, chauvinistic) is already the first step towards creation the possibility of a philosophical dialogue between different traditions and trends. What are the ways to foster a culture of philosophical dialogue? This issue deserves special discussion. It seems that philosophers ...
  • História da historiografia e perspectiva global: um diálogo possível?

    Partindo da análise de dois empreendimentos realizados no campo da história da historiografia e das histórias globais da historiografia de Georg Iggers, Q. Edward Wang e Daniel Woolf, neste artigo se propõe pensar o escopo e os fundamentos da história global, evidenciando possíveis contradições e obstáculos conceituais dessa perspectiva de investigação histórica, como a resiliência do...

    ... Geyer e Charles Bright (1995), no texto pioneiro “World history in a global age”; Patrick O’Brien (2006), em seu apelo “Historical traditions and modern imperatives for the restoration of global history”, feito no primeiro volume do Journal of Global History ; e Maxine Berg (2013), que ...
  • The meaning of a brand? An archetypal approach.
    ... Consumers may associate them with different meanings --such as perceived quality, self-identity, group identity, values, family traditions, national Traditions--, which may affect their functional, experiential and symbolic benefits (Siamagka et al, 2015). Not all brands develop a ...
  • Creating electronic resource ethno-linguistic materials of the tatar language

    We analyze the steps of electronic dictionary creation, built on the basis of ethnolinguistic expeditions of the Institute of Language, Literature and Art Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan. Materials were collecting in respect of ethno-cultural archaic dialect zones of Siberia, the Urals region, the Middle and Lower Volga region, densely inhabited by Tatar population. It contains...

    ... Bayazitova F.S. (2012). Lexic of folk traditions: birthing rites in the context of folklore and dialect texts, Kazan (2011) (in tatar): ... Bayazitova F.S. (2015). Lexic of folk traditions: funeral ...
  • Carta Magna não é sinônimo de Constituição: uma análise do conceito no Brasil e uma breve história do documento medieval

    A Carta Magna de 1215 é costumeiramente citada no Brasil como sinônimo de Constituição. Partindo das conceções da função da história do direito de Hespanha e das críticas já apresentadas por Herzog sobre o uso contemporâneo da Carta Magna, o presente artigo pretende comparar as descrições brasileiras da Carta com uma pesquisa histórica.

    ... New York: Norton & Company, 2018, p. 40 ... 66 Para entender esse debate na história do direito, sugiro: FONSECA, Ricardo Marcelo. Traditions, translations, betrayals: dialogues among legal cultures. História do Direito, Curitiba, v. 1, n. 1, p. 351-362, dez. 2020 ... 67 Em uma ...
  • David Harvey: Dispossession or Expropriation? Does capital have an "outside"?/David Harvey: espoliacao ou expropriacao? Ha "lado de fora" do capital?
    ... are ever more imposed by capitalism, yet paradoxically, they motivate the reconstruction of the most contrasting elements of previous traditions. In particular, the egalitarian elements in their antagonism to the mutilated dissolution of community bonds by the constant expropriating expansion ...
  • Popularization of language through mass media in the regions of russia

    The dynamic development of traditional media: print, radio, television, the emergence of new computer information technologies, the globalization of the world information space makes a huge impact on the current state of the language. Mass media are the most important tool in the development and the preservation of the language. On the one hand, all the latest language changes are reflected in...

    ... of their region, the region and the Republic of Tatarstan by attracting the attention to the sources of the Tatar people, their customs, traditions, and the treasures of the national culture. The program consists of video stories about one particular region: the history of a village, a school, a ...
  • The virtual state: national sovereignty and constitutions facing globalisation processes

    This article aims to describe how and to what extent the processes of globalisation influence the ‘world of law’ and, in particular, state sovereignty and constitutions. The purpose of this article is to provide some interpretative tools that help to abandon the elements of constitutional analysis inseparable from the concept of state, offering a review of the literature, mainly Italian, on...

    ... A dimension in which past and traditions, and future perspectives at the same time, are both swallowed, in the name of ever-accelerating dynamics”, 27 obviously this leads to “a deep ...
  • Global Constitutionalism: History, Theory and Contemporary Challenges/Constitucionalismo Global: História, Teoria e Desafios Contemporâneos.
    ... The global order, as it emerged after WWII was not simply a product of Western minds, shaped by Western traditions and imposed by powerful Western statesmen. It was the result of a process which included the successful struggle of subjugated colonized nations ...
  • A distribuição de conteúdo por streaming: bem ou serviço cultural?

    A ascendência do formato digital em detrimento do aspecto físico dos produtos culturais influencia não apenas a forma de produção e disponibilização de conteúdo, cuja evolução avança cada vez mais rápida para se adequar às preferências do consumidor, mas também esferas que, à primeira vista, aparentam ser de fácil solução, mas após maiores investigações mostram-se envoltos de controvérsias: a...

    ... of society or a social group, that encompasses, not only art and literature, but lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs”. 29 Pela impossibilidade de aferir diretamente os valores e crenças da sociedade, visto que se trata de algo imaterial e intangível, ...
  • Language of family communication in the modern tatarrussian bilingval society

    The article is devoted to the study of the functional potential and specificity of use of native language in family communication, in the conditions of modern Tatar-Russian bilingualism. The sociolinguistic study was conducted on the basis of a survey of humanities students, taking into account the type of family, place of residence and language of instruction at school. The choice of respondents

    ... in native language in family society promotes the development of language personality, the transmission of ethno-cultural and family traditions between generations. In addition, the language of family communication demonstrates the potential of language, the possible ways of development and ...
  • Brazil in comparative perspective: the legacy of the founding, and the future of constitutional development

    Esse trabalho analisa a fundação constitucional brasileira e uma perspectiva comparada, procurando entender como a identidade da fundação influenciou o desenvolvimento constitucional ao longo das três décadas desde que o documento constitucional foi promulgado. Criando uma ligação entre o desenvolvimento histórico e político da fundação e o modo pelo qual a Constituição mudou ao longo do tempo,...

    ... , revisions, and constitutionally unauthorized referendums are illegal breaks with the existing constitutional order, and with our own traditions in constitutional development 4 ... administration in 2013, following the confederations cup’s popular protests (which called, amongst other ...
  • The 'common home': for an epistemology of care and justice for Latin America

    The thesis that guides this research is the defense of an epistemology of care about our ‘common home’ in the Encyclical Laudato Si. The authors seek to define the meaning of this metaphor and argue that its contents can guide the construction of sustainable solutions to the serious problems in Latin America, specifically, social inequalities, deficiencies of democracy, the exclusion of cultures,

    ... The references for this new relationship must irst be understood as the need to protect and value cultural traditions in a constant attention to their values, traditions and relationship with nature, as Francisco points out, speciically highlighting indigenous ...
  • Unconditional legitimacy of Law: collaboration with the Nazism

    The present paper has the objective of discussing one of the greatest critics to legal positivism: the one that says that this theory has "cooperated" with the Nazi regime. This work boards and discusses many critics about positivism, its problems on its many faces, and its oppositions (post-positivism and jusnaturalism), overcoming the superficiality and generality of some of them, through the...

    ... was employed to justify a number of abominations throughout history, once its source of transcendent validity varied according to the traditions in time and space. Plato’s and Aristotle’s arguments defending slavery based upon the natural law cannot be forgotten. In this sense, Ross ...
  • Covid-19 spreads among indigenous communities
  • Como se produz um jurista? O modelo chinês (parte 49)

    Como se produz um jurista? O modelo chinês (parte 49)

    ... Esses fatores, ao menos para a China, são (e foram) verdadeiramente revolucionários ... [1] LUNEY JR., Percy R.  Traditions and foreign influences: Systems of law in China and Japan. Law and Contemporary Problems, v. 52, p.129-150, Spring, 1989. p.131 ... [2] LUNEY JR., ...

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