
611 resultados para traditions

  • Jurisprudência e Ementário
    ... solely upon basic intuitive ideas that are embedded in the political institutions of a constitutional democratic regime and the public traditions of their interpretations. Justice as fairness is a political conception in part because it starts from within a certain political tradition. Based on ...
  • Regulation
    ... There are numerous definitions for this concept, influenced more broadly by ideology and disciplinary traditions. Generally understood as a form of “command and control” imposed by the state “through the use of legal rules backed by (often criminal) ...
  • The racial deficit of Labour Law in Brazil/O déficit racial do direito do trabalho no Brasil.
    ... For the author, there was an abundant historiography on the transition from slavery - endowed with objectified beings, devoid of traditions by the traffic mechanism - to society of classes - universe of free and salaried people. Result: the enslaved black disappears from history and ...
  • O direito do trabalho constitucionalizado: um estudo sobre a aplicação do princípio da proteção da confiança das expectativas do trabalhador na jurisprudência do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho e do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 4ª Região
    ... 3. Robert Putnam em 1993 publicou a obra Making Democracy Work : Civic Traditions in Modern Italy que foi traduzida para o português, ganhando o título de Comunidade e Democracia : A experiência da Itália moderna , na qual ...
  • Notion de contrat de travail

    Le but de cet article est discuter la notion de contrat de travail. C'est une question toujours actuelle parce qu'elle détermine qui bénéficie des protections du droit du travail et aussi du droit de la sécurité sociale. Le contrat de travail est traditionnellement présenté comme un composé de trois éléments: travail, salaire et subordination. Cette dernière est le plus importante des éléments....

    ... not. P. CUCHE, préc., Rev. crit. législ. et jurispr. 1913, p. 412. La force des traditions est grande. Cette conception de l’état de dépendance n’a pas disparu, au moins sur le papier. V. not. J.-P. CHAZAL, D. 2002, Jur. p. 1862, ...
  • Como e porque teses semanticamente congeladas não são precedentes: aportes a partir do Common Law

    O presente artigo se presta a analisar as principais características do manejo de precedentes próprios do common law, para então confronta-las com a praxe brasileira de lida com o, assim chamado, Direito Jurisprudencial. Tem por objetivo detectar semelhanças e diferenças entre o trato com a jurisprudência no Brasil e no common law. Para tanto, esmiúça quatro características fulcrais dessa família

    ... ” embodied in “case law” is extracted only upon laborious effort in applying an intricate set of philosophies, concepts, maxims and traditions which, in composite, we can call the common law method and which are the subjects of this enterprise. That method is not embodied in a single text or ...
  • La vulnérabilité entre humanisme et post-humanisme anti-spéciste

    The essay examines some of the major philosophical perspectives which have addressed the theme of vulnerability, with the aim of understanding what kind of ontologies they have produced, and how they have characterised the related ethics. Particular attention is placed on some Authors who, although sometimes very different in relation to their national and cultural backgrounds, share the same...

    ... Bologna: il Mulino. Passmore, John (1974), Man's Responsibility for Nature. Ecological problems and western traditions ...
  • The right to a fair trial in the European Union: lights and shadows

    Este artigo foca-se em um dos direitos previstos no artigo 47 da Carta de Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia: o direito a um julgamento justo. Não é uma nova contribuição da Carta, mas sim uma garantia que foi fornecida pelo Direito da União Europeia há décadas, surgida inicialmente como direito processual, mais tarde reconhecida como um princípio geral da UE e finalmente consagrada na Carta.

    ... By the early 1970s the ECJ had confirmed that, in protecting such rights, it was inspired by the constitutional traditions of the member states and by the guidelines supplied by international human rights treaties on which the member states had collaborated or to which ...
  • Relationships of mirza fatali akhundzada with his contemporaries in the field of struggle for new alphabet
    ... fanatics, to persuade to the necessity of the alphabet reform of the society which unable to give up conservative way of thinking, old traditions. That is why M.F. Akhundzada, as an educator, justly proved that changing the Arabic alphabet did not contradict the Quran and Sharia law written in ...
  • Neowelfarismo liberale: nuove prospettive per lo stato sociale in Europa

    Lo scopo del presente articolo è studiare il cosidetto neowelfarismo liberale e le nuove prospettive per lo stato sociale europeo. Innanzitutto, viene discusso il neoliberismo che ha avuto una fase d’ascesa negli anni ottanta, una d’appiattimento intorno alla metà degli anni novanta e una di discesa negli anni duemila. Viene studiata la sfida lanciata al welfare state dall’ideologia neoliberista...

    ... (2005), Solidarity in Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press ... Stone, D., Denham, A. (a cura di) (2004), Think Tank Traditions ...
  • Environment, social and corporate governance: qualidade de vida e mercados
    ... They consist of both informal constraints (sanctions, taboos, customs, traditions and codes of conduct), and formal rules (cnstitutions, laws, property rights)” 14 ... Portanto, do ponto de vista teórico-analítico, as ...
  • Direito comparado: Princípios constitucionais de relações internacionais em outras ordens jurídicas
    ... 322 ... 318 “La République française, fidèle à ses traditions, se conforme aux règles du droit public international. Elle n’entreprendra aucune guerre dans des vues de conquête et n’emploiera jamais ses ...
  • Erich Fromm's perspective about loneliness and its outcomes in education

    For many years, the human need for the group, social life, and the impact of this form of life on mental health and body have been discussed. This is said to be less about loneliness and the role played by human beings. Loneliness is a global issue experienced by all humans more or less and with their lives. In other words, many people with races, cultures, social classes, and at different ages...

    ... way to the modernity movement in its thoughts and ego exactly since the time it rejects the traditions as a model in its daily life. Thus, in Fromm’s mind, human’s feeling of loneliness in the today’s world has been born of the modern world with ...
  • The ethno-cultural essence of linguistic consciousness

    Each culture is based on a specific system of subject meanings, social stereotypes and cognition patterns. The “worldview” invariant is determined by socially developed supports (by meanings, in the first place). In its turn, there may be a worldview which is common for the whole society (for a socio-cultural community or ethnos) or an individual one typical of a specific group (a socio-cultural...

    ... The specifics of each ethnic culture are determined by a structurized corpus of fundamental spiritual values, customs and traditions encoded in oral and written literature. It is idioms, paremiae, linguistic metaphors and invariable figures of speech that have some ethnocultural ...
  • Legislative policies and culture on parenting practices: improving the parent-child relationship in South Africa

    Os relacionamentos pai-filho são frequentemente descritos como vínculos únicos e duradouros que ocorrem entre um cuidador / pai e seu filho. Vários documentos de políticas legislativas sul-africanas foram implementados para orientar a prestação de serviços às famílias e fortalecer o relacionamento entre pais e filhos nas famílias. Este artigo visa examinar criticamente os quadros atuais e...

    ... law provides fathers with the opportunity to be actively involved to participate in the upbringing of their children, cultural norms and traditions seem to prohibit fathers from practising their rights ... 3.2 Nutrition and care ... Part of maintaining a healthy parent-child relationship ...
  • Legal pluralism: an approach from the new latin american constitutionalism and the jury of the indigenous court

    Por meio do presente artigo, busca-se fazer uma análise, ainda que sucinta, da forma como os indígenas se inserem no contexto do novo constitucionalismo latino-americano com enfoque especial no aspecto do pluralismo jurídico e na forma como os indígenas atuam perante o Poder Judiciário. Para tanto, são analisados os casos paradigmáticos das Constituições equatoriana e boliviana, e também da...

    ... is a transformation in the political-juridical structure in Latin America, so as to concretely insert native people, respecting their traditions and cultures and allowing the system to adapt to their specificities and concrete needs ... It is under this bias that this article is inserted, ...
  • O status moral dos animais não-humanos e seus reflexos na Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988

    A promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988 trouxe o meio ambiente para o centro das discussões jurídicas no Brasil. O art. 225, do mencionado diploma dispõe sobre o direito e o dever de proteção e preservação do meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado, para as presentes e futuras gerações, dispondo em seu § 1º, inciso VII uma responsabilidade ambiental constitucional intergeracional na proteçã

    ... to carry out an analysis on the fundamentals of constitutional protection directed at animals, going through the precepts of religious traditions and philosophical currents that address the moral status of non-human animals and influenced the constitutional, founding protection to animals on ...
  • Protection of rights of nature and the post-development perspective

    The present study aimed to analyze the relationship between the protection of the rights of nature, especially animals, and economic development. For its elaboration, bibliographical searches were made by printed and electronic means, as well as analysis of judicial decisions and comparative law. After studying the collected material, it was possible to verify that the Kantian concept of dignity...

    ... For the United Nations (UN) Harmony with Nature Program 9 the earth-centered paradigm that follows humanity's oldest jurisprudential traditions is peculiarly pluralistic. Harmony with Nature depends on respecting, protecting, and sustaining the diversity of ecosystems, terrestrial and marine ...
  • Organizational Justice, Leader Humility, and Service Employees' Innovative Behavior in a Collectivistic Culture: The Case of Pakistan.
    ... (2017); i.e., its people strive to maintain harmony, achieve a high degree of group integration, discourage divergence from traditions, and emphasize interdependence. The collectivist mindset that guides decision-making in private life also influences decision-making in ...
  • A importância da Organização das Nações Unidas para a autodeterminação dos povos indígenas

    O princípio da autodeterminação dos povos nasceu como um conceito histórico e político antes de se transformar em um conceito de relevância jurídica, desempenhando papel muito importante no contexto da descolonização e emergindo no cenário internacional a partir da Primeira Guerra Mundial. Relativamente, a autodeterminação como direito de todos os povos trata-se da dimensão interna do princípio,...

    ... Members of the ethnic group see themselves as sharing cultural traditions and history that distinguish them from other groups. Ethnic group identity has a strong psychological or emotional component that divides the people ...
  • Classificação social, modernidade/colonialidade e relações de gênero: uma abordagem decolonial do rompimento do tecido comunitário dos Povos Tupinambás

    A partir das exposições de narrativas descritivas da organização social dos Povos Tupinambá no Brasil e das interpretações antropológicas, o presente trabalho realiza uma abordagem crítica da apresentação das relações de gênero no mundo-aldeia, identificando características da colonialidade de poder, saber e de gênero que romperam o tecido comunitário indígena e ocultaram a sua autonomia. Aborda...

    ... Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997 e ALLEN, Paula Gunn. The sacred hoop : Recovering the feminine in American Indian traditions. Boston: Beacon Press, 1986/1992 ... 582 2007 ... Direito, Estado e Sociedade n. 61 jul/dez 2022 ... Vemos no mundo-aldeia o ...
  • The system of the structure of law cognition in the mogern russian theory of law and its role in society

    The urgency of the issue consists in studying the concept of law cognition and its structuring. The purpose of this article is to develop the concept and structure of legal knowledge. The leading approaches used in the study are: deduction, which assumes that law cognition is the result of mental processing of legal information, as well as induction, which creates the structure of legal knowledge,

    ... 219; Ɋɨɪɪɟr, 1972). The history of the development of this concept consists of two traditions ... First, there is the analytical tradition, which develops in the ... framework of the English linguistic philosophy, focused on the ...
  • Les Droits de l'Homme, la Convention européenne des Droits de l'Homme Et le Droit International Privé Européen

    Os Direitos do Homem, especialmente a Convenção Européia dos Direitos do Homem, tiveram um impacto considerável sobre diferentes domínios do Direito. Isso é verdade, particularmente, para o Direito Internacional Privado depois de alguns anos. O recurso aos Direitos Fundamentais tem permitido evoluções consideráveis, em razão, principalmente, da atividade da Corte Européia de Direitos do Homem de...

    ... dans l’organisation et le déroulement d’un procès équitable et qu’il figure parmi les droits fondamentaux qui résultent des traditions constitutionnelles communes aux Etats membres. Plus précisément encore, la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme a jugé à plusieurs reprises ...
  • Doing Archival Research in The Gambia: Locating and Appraising the Sources

    This article discusses the various archival research resources in The Gambia. It seeks to introduce to future researchers on The Gambia the wide choice of archival and secondary sources available in the country.

    ... Revista Esboços, Florianópolis, v. 25, n. 39, p. 49-67, jul. 2018 ... both oral traditions and materials or objects of culture. In 1974, it was became known as the Oral History and Antiquities Division (O.H.A.D). Subsequent legislation ...
  • On the culture of philosophical dialogue

    The article is devoted to intraphilosophical dialogue and those obstacles that threaten it. One of these obstacles seems to be the self-reflection of philosophers that philosophy itself is an insult and is only possible as an insult. They argue that philosophy, challenging the opinion of authorities or the majority, thereby carries an intellectual insult. In the course of the conceptual analysis...

    ... vicious (snobbish, chauvinistic) is already the first step towards creation the possibility of a philosophical dialogue between different traditions and trends. What are the ways to foster a culture of philosophical dialogue? This issue deserves special discussion. It seems that philosophers ...

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