
264 resultados para alteration

  • Ambidesteridade Organizacional: um estudo bibliométrico

    A pesquisa acadêmica sobre ambidesteridade organizacional tem se mostrado em propulsão, com crescente espaço em periódicos internacionais, uma vez que busca identificar como a inovação pode ocorrer nas organizações. Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar o perfil e a relevância dos artigos publicados em periódicos científicos internacionais de 1914 a 2015, segundo a base SCOPUS, considerando...

    ... KWEE; VAN DEN BOSCH; VOLBERDA. . Journal of Management Studies . 2011 9 . Business model renewal and ambidexterity: Structural alteration and strategy formation process during transition to a Cloud business model . KHANAGHA; . VOLBERDA; OSHRI. . R & D Management 2014 1 . Top ...
  • Os direitos reais e a Lei n. 11.481/07: reflexões sobre a funcionalização do regime da propriedade pública / The rights in rem and Law no. 11,481 / 07: reflections on the functionalization of the public ownership

    O texto tem como objetivo a análise crítica da Lei n. 11.481, de 2007, que, ao tratar da regularização fundiária de interesse social em imóveis da União, promoveu a alteração do rol taxativo dos direitos reais previstos no artigo 1.225 do Código Civil e nele inseriu os incisos XI e XII, que tratam, respectivamente, do direito real de uso especial para fins de moradia e do direito real de uso de...

    ...Such change brings consequences not only to civil rights, but it represents alteration in significant amount of public property when it attributes characteristics of right in rem to juristic situations that used to have contractual ...
  • CRISPR-CAS9, biosafety and bioethics: a jusphilosophical and environmental analysis of genetic engineering

    The new genetic engineering technique CRISPR-Cas9 projects benefits and risks of genetically manipulating and altering living organisms in order to bring about characteristics that are favorable to themselves and to humans. With an interdisciplinary method, involving Philosophy, Law, Biosafety and Bioethics, this paper aims to verify the consequences that the use of this technique can bring to...

    ...However, in recent years a new genetic engineering technique has promised to revolutionize the expensive genetic alteration processes. . The CRISPR-Cas9 technique allows the replacement of fragments of the DNA chain, correcting genetic “failures” or inserting ...
  • At courts, remnants of discrimination against women
    ...In a note, the press office of Chief Justice Dias Toffoli says that the latest alteration in dress code was made in 2000, during the tenure of Justice Sepúlveda Pertence. On that occasion, the justices decided through administrative ...
  • The multilevel effect of marketing activities on sales, revenue and profitability in a micro-enterprise.
    ... regard to product assortment, the nail varnish assortment was analyzed, since during the period it was the only one that presented any alteration (increased offer in packaging and brands). . 4.4 Analysis procedure . In order to make the data analyses on two analysis levels possible, three ...
  • Investigating the legal principles of legal reconciliation in criminal matters

    Spiritual dignity is the most important human capital, whose importance does not equal anything other than value. This prestige and prestige gives him the opportunity to take part in his social role. Therefore, the loss of life after this person's life brings many tools and opportunities to him, such as those who are accused or guilty of any reason, in a heavier position Because they are faced...

    ... rules that exist on the scene, and our consciousness or ignorance influenced those sentences, and the absence of these rulings or their alteration. This view accepts that in many cases there is no real truth in the recognition of pragmatic judgments and, in the short run, we can only resort to ...
  • The environmental regularization program (pra) as a new model of recovery of environmental liability: failure of 'punir to conscious'

    Brazilian environmental legislation, and especially the New Forest Code of 2012, sought to incorporate prerogatives of sustainability and sustainable development into Brazilian Environmental Law, culminating in meeting the needs of the current generation without compromising the needs of future generations. The legislation had aspects such as amnesty for crimes occurred prior to the year 2008,...

    ... genetic material; III - to deine, in all units of the Federation, territorial spaces and their components to be specially protected, being alteration and suppression allowed only by law, any use that compromises the integrity of the attributes that justify its protection is prohibited; IV - ...
  • Rethinking Must-Carry and Retransmission Consent Regulation in the Digital Era

    Purpose - The emergence of new technological platforms to access online services and content have transformed the media landscape dramatically. Such transformation requires policymakers to reexamine the decades-old regulations traditionally addressed to broadcasters and telecommunications providers as must-carry and retransmission consent rules. This paper reviews must-carry regulation and case...

    ... Act of 1976 with two major implications: compulsory licenses of free-to-air TV signals for cable TV operators to retransmit without any alteration (a type of must-offer); and royalty payments by cable TV operators for the use of programming (Sylvain, 2015, Benjamin et. Al. 2012). “[…] the ...

    O artigo analisa a adoção dos Protocolos Clínicos e Diretrizes Terapêuticas (PCDTs) como parâmetro objetivo a ser utilizado pelos tribunais nas ações judiciais cujo objeto são prestações de natureza positiva voltadas à efetivação do direito à saúde. Tal referencial pode auxiliar o juiz na tarefa de decidir as demandas judiciais de fornecimento de medicamentos, garantindo a prevalência da...

    ... Within the scope of incorporation, exclusion or alteration of new technologies in SUS, as well as in the creation and alteration of the CPTGs, article 19-Q of Law n. 8.080/1990 establishes that the National ...
  • Offshore wind farms in the environmental law of the seas

    This article aims to inaugurate the discussion surrounding the Brazilian environmental regulation of the offshore wind farms. Although it is a renewable source of energy with a growing prominence in the international scenario, from the environmental point of view it is still uncertain which are the dimensions of the impacts on marine wildlife caused by the installation and operation of an...

    ... deserving the noise and vibration caused in the foundation works (pile-driving noise) and in the operation of the aerogenerator, alteration of the geomorphology, impacts on the seabed by the placement of electricity transmission cables, as well as harmful e൵ects arising from the ...
  • Old and new rights in the postgenomic era

    The article discusses about the rights in the postgenomic era.

    ...Available online at . . “Any intervention directed at alteration of the human genome may be undertaken only for preventive, diagnostic or therapeutic purposes and only if it is not intended to bring about any ...
  • Breaking dams in Minas Gerais from the perspective of intergerational solidarity / O rompimento de barragens em Minas Gerais à luz da solidariedade intergeracional

    A solidariedade intergeracional encontra fundamento no artigo 225, caput, da Constituição Federal de 1988. O referido princípio baseia-se na ideia de equidade entre as gerações presentes e futuras. A partir disso, o presente estudo pretende averiguar a relação entre os desastres de Mariana e Brumadinho e o princípio da solidariedade intergeracional. Para tanto, utiliza-se do método analítico e da

    ... riverbed; f) Destruction of riparian and aquatic vegetation; g) Interruption of the connection with tributaries and marginal lagoons; h) Alteration of water flow; (i) destruction of ĨŝƐŚ ďƌĞĞĚŝŶŐ ĂƌĞĂƐ͖ ũͿ ĞƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶ ŽĨ ŝĐŚƚŚLJŽĨĂƵŶĂ ...
  • Growth and social entrepreneurs: the challenge of conciliating economic and social values.
    ...Growth can be defined as "a change in size over any given time period" (Dobbs & Hamilton, 2007, p. 313). Such alteration can be associated with factors at the individual, company or environment level (Wiklund, Patzelt & Shepherd, 2009). At the individual level, the time ...
  • Consumer law in Constitution: a big mistake? The specific case of aviation in Brazil

    A globalização, ao lado do crescimento do comércio e da riqueza, influenciou o considerável desenvolvimento do Direito do Consumidor durante os últimos 50 anos. Em alguns países, o Direito do Consumidor é regulado em nível constitucional. Por exemplo, no Brasil, a proteção do consumidor foi determinada como um valor constitucional. Este valor constitucional foi reforçado pela abordagem levada...

    ...Therefore, if any alteration to a flight occurs before the check-in time, airlines are required to contact passengers by all possible means available, such as e-mail, telephone, ...
  • Land-grabbing in and by Brazil: victim and buyer

    This article intends to analyse the dual role of the Brazil in the phenomenon of Land Grabbing. This paper addresses, in the first chapter, a definition of Land Grabbing, which helps in the delineation of the discourse, then in the second, gives a general analysis about the issue of Land Grabbing; in the third chapter, the study analyses the role of the Brazil as a victim, particularly in the...

    ... . After this phase, in 1995, Brazil’s National Congress approved an alteration to the Brazilian Constitution, rejecting article 171, which had previously made a distinction between national and foreign companies based on foreign ...
  • Service providers' willingness to change as innovation inductor in services: Validating a scale.
    ...As change refers to an alteration of state, innovation refers to a successful change that led to meaningful results. In our context, we assume that changes occurring during the ...
  • The special urban individual and collective usucapion by interversio possessionis of precarious tença in possession ad usucapionem pro morada, pro labore e pro misero

    It is a research that applies concepts of the civilistic and problematic of the possessory right to the special urban usucapion (collective and individual). It aimed to investigate answers and understandings around the question whether or not there is the intervention of possession of precarious tença, a matter that is still a problem in the scope of Civil Law for configuring possession ad...

    ... . Therefore, convalescence, when it comes to precariousness, depends on the precarist's alteration . of the causa possessionis : it will go from possession ( ad interdicta ) consented by the legitimate possessor . to a tença resulting from ...
  • Mitigação e adaptação das cidades às alterações climáticas: vulnerabilidades socioambientais e conflitos jurídicos na tutela das Áreas Urbanas de Preservação Permanente no Brasil

    Este artigo tem como objetivo compreender as relações entre vulnerabilidade socioambiental nas áreas urbanas brasileiras no contexto atual de mudança do clima e a proteção jurídica das Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APP) urbanas. Buscamos identificar e interpretar como se dá a composição formada (i) por normas atualmente vigentes no direito brasileiro, (ii) por instrumentos de políticas...

    ... of the Public Power define, in all the Units of the Federation, territorial spaces and their components to be specially protected, with alteration and suppression being permitted only by law, and with any use that compromises the integrity of the attributes that justify their protection being ...
  • Construindo cidades sustentáveis de acordo com as dimensões da democracia

    Esta pesquisa procura tornar evidente a conexão íntima entre desenvolvimento sustentável e concretização democrática, caracterizada aqui não apenas pelo processo eleitoral, mas também por uma relação dialógica permanente entre o estado e a sociedade civil. A ênfase da reflexão é definida no aspecto local com o objetivo de estudar formas de democratização eficaz do espaço urbano e os possíveis...

    ...We disagree with this idea by logical symmetry. The alteration is a partial undoing of the internally voted law, with a new elaboration. If, for democratic reasons, a hearing is required while drafting the law, ...
  • Aspects de droit financier sous-jacents au processus d'impeachment au Brésil

    Le processus d´impeachment de Dilma Rousseff, au Brésil, découle de l´adoption de conduites questionnables à la lumière du Droit Financier, de l’utilisation de banques publiques pour financer indirectement les dépenses publiques (“pédalage fiscal”, acrobaties comptables), qui ont mené à un déséquilibre des comptes publics, avec des conséquences assez nuisibles pour l´économie nationale,...

    ... que de tels décrets, même ayant été édités dans un manque de respect à de telles conditions, ont été ensuite convalidés par l´altération dans les propres conditions. . Comme il a déjà été expliqué, la Loi de Finances Annuelle (LOA), en 2014 comme en 2015, disait que des crédits ...
  • Relativization of environmental regulation by emergency state

    Given the current context of economic and political crisis experienced in Brazil, we propose a discussion about the state’s role in the implementation of environmental protection measures, especially considering the scenario of environmental degradation in protected areas, such as conservation units, permanent preservation areas, among others, due to anthropic activities. Through a...

    ...225, paragraph 1, III of the Constitution of the Republic of 1988, since the reduction or alteration of conservation units can only be carried out by means of a speciic and formal law. The Supreme Federal Court, through the Special Appeal for ...
  • Acórdão Nº 0021062-52.2018.5.04.0221 (ROT) de Tribunal Regional do Trabalho - 4ª Região - 2ª Turma, 15-10-2020

    EMENTA DOENÇA OCUPACIONAL. AUSÊNCIA DE NEXO CAUSAL. HÉRNIA INGUINAL . Segundo o laudo pericial médico, reconhecido correto na sentença, a hérnia inguinal que acometeu o reclamante não decorre de esforço físico, mas da má formação estrutural tecidual da parede abdominal do indivíduo, possuindo assim causa endógena e/ou constitucional. Não há nexo causal entre as atividades desenvolvidas e a doença

    ...Br J Surg. 2011 Feb;98(2):210-9. doi: 10.1002/bjs.7339.Connective tissue alteration in abdominal wall hernia. Henriksen NA1, Yadete DH, Sorensen LT, Agren MS, Jorgensen LN. A literatura médica moderna também não identifica risco ...
  • Airport locations attract warehouses
    ...This strategic move forestalls any potential interruption to warehouse activities, safeguarding operations against the cessation or alteration of the private sector’s airport management.For instance, Brookfield holds a 40-year concession at Guarulhos airport, while Log CP boasts 47 years ...
  • Bracell plans giant pulp plant in São Paulo state
    ...If the alteration in the production volume were small, the same license could be rectified. Currently the largest recovery boiler operating in the world belongs to OKI ...
  • Companies discuss changing payout volumes
    ...Since the rule is the Corporate Law, it needs to have a temporary alteration through provisional measure (MP). The Brazilian Public Companies Association (Abrasca) has presented an MP proposal to the government, including the ...

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