
358 resultados para particularities

  • Assessing Strategic Litigation Impact on Human Rights.
    ... from all over the world can benefit from the author's focus on institutional analysis and legal impact, specially in describing particularities of international and regional human rights bodies and courts. The approach produces an interesting blueprint for a worldwide human rights system ...
  • Soggettività politica delle donne, emancipazione e giustizia nell'età della globalizzazione

    This article enquires into the conditions of possibility of women’s emancipation in the era of neoliberal globalization or, to borrow Nancy Fraser’s words, in a post-socialist and post-Westphalian context, where both social egalitarianism (justice as redistribution) and identity politics (justice as recognition) are in crisis. In order to do this, I will have to address, first, the "who" of...

    ... ” is never an independent entity, but only the set of “names” corresponding to an always finite and reversible relation between particularities". (Laclau, 2000a: 194) 16 ... La logica dell’equivalenza non si esaurisce nel processo che conduce a tale universalizzazione relativa. Se non c’\xC3" ...
  • Racism and necropolitics in republican Brazil

    Este estudo versa sobre o racismo e sua expressão através das normativas penais e de segurança pública do Brasil republicano. Procuramos realizar uma análise histórica da necropolítica constituída no país americano que por mais tempo manteve o regime escravocrata, o que mais recebeu africanos escravizados e que, na atualidade, possui a terceira maior população prisional do mundo. Nosso principal...

    ... Therefore, in this study, we aimed to point out the Brazilian historical particularities in order to investigate the Brazilian State racism and its own means to build and implement its necropolitics stemming from the judicial liberation ...
  • Editorial.
    ... The fragility of the Brazilian social formation in its specificities and particularities, allied to the wounds opened by deeply anti-democratic and dictatorial regimes, presents as a fundamental task, for any democratic advancement, the ...
  • Editorial
    ... The social welfare systems in the Latin American and Caribbean countries were organized form the 1920s to the 1970s. The particularities of each country in terms of the development level of their productive forces, the priority functions of the state and the organization and struggle ...
  • Análises e discussões sobre o direito à moradia adequada no Brasil: em foco a cidade de Araguaína ? TO / analysis and discussion on the right to adequate housing in Brazil: in focus Araguaina city - TO

    O objetivo deste estudo é compreender o direito à moradia na cidade de Araguaína-TO. Adentramos na discussão do direito à moradia adequada, projeto estabelecido pela Organização das Nações Unidas – ONU, que acompanha em escala global, como vem sendo tratado o problema da moradia para os mais pobres, com a finalidade de compreender o que este organismo considera direito à moradia adequada. Somou-se

    ... To better understand the particularities of the areas of social housing in Araguaína, we go through all sectors of the city that are home to those policies. By doing this foray into the ...
  • Criteria to scrutinize new rights: protecting rights against artificial proliferation

    Os direitos humanos e fundamentais são poderosos instrumentos jurídicos para proteger e promover a dignidade da pessoa humana. Por um lado, o reconhecimento de direitos implícitos e novos direitos se mostra inevitável e desejável, uma vez que o evolver histórico sempre coloca renovados desafios à dignidade da pessoa humana. Por outro lado, uma proliferação artificial de direitos pode enfraquecer...

    ... In addition, one can think of openness as a consequence of the interaction with domestic legal orders. Anyway, the particularities of international law must not be neglected and lead to the necessity of further specific development on the openness of the human rights system ...
  • Perícia médica

    Perícia médica judicial. Especialidades. Qualidade de prova judicial. Classificação de perícias médicas. Especificidades de laudos periciais. Laudos médicos divergentes e novas perícias. Formalidades essenciais dos laudos. Dever de veracidade. Perícia em doente cliente ou parente. Atestado médico - exigências e efeitos. Responsabilidade civil do perito. Perícia psiquiátrica. Sigilo em perícia...

    ... Abstract: Medical legal examination. Specializations. Quality of the judicial proof. Classification of medical examinations. Particularities of expert reports. Divergent medical reports and new examinations. Essential formalities of the reports. Duty of truth. Patient, client ...
  • Between two worlds: human rights and public policies

    In modern society, political issues commonly turned into legal issues. The greater example is the subject of public policy has been gaining importance in the field of law. This is due to the progressive recognition that the effectiveness of human rights requires the achievement of public policy. Public policies, in turn, are guided by rights to be effected to be effected through them. These...

    ... The answer, then, is obvious: in the conditions of social differentiation, the legal system is not in degree to of handling the particularities of politics, economy, education and health, all functionally differentiated systems ... While there may be different definitions of public policy, ...
  • The writ of protection: from procedural to substantive rights and between civil and common law

    The article aims to deal with important aspects regarding special instruments used to vindicate fundamental rights and guarantees (called writ of protection). In Brazil, this writ is usually called mandado de segurança. However, there also are other possible tools with similar objectives (not only in Brazil but in all of Iberian America). Despite the variations between the denominations found in...

    ... passed by lawmakers, insofar as not constitutionally or statutorily superseded, ostensibly continue in force as to the core and particularities. Mostly, they reassert their adjudicated antecessors, like those pertaining to abbreviation, swiftness, or subsidiarity, 67 ... which conform with ...
  • Digital transformation by enabling strategic capabilities in the context of "BRICS".
    ... The particularities of turning either an I4.0 global organization or a digital organization operate in various environments, allowing access to the activities' digital ...
  • Meio ambiente do trabalho. Os rituais do sofrimento e as mortes lentas no trabalho: o embate entre a teoria jurídico-trabalhista clássica e a teoria jurídico-trabalhista crítica no contexto da 'reforma trabalhista'

    Meio ambiente e adoecimento no trabalho têm sido abordados pela teoria jurídico-trabalhista clássica por meio de uma visão apenas dogmática. Aqui, porém, serão retratados através da história operária, do diálogo entre a teoria jurídico-trabalhista crítica e as demais teorias sociais, do ponto de vista dos movimentos sociais e das teorias dos movimentos sociais. Logo, a neutralização do avanço das

    ... Abstract ... The intention of this paper is to analyze the particularities that presents the control of ... Environment and sickness at work have been approached by classical labor-law theory ... through a dogmatic ...
  • Democratic constitutionalism and human rights greening: challenges and common constructions

    This article aims at analyzing the phenomenon of democratic constitutionalism and human rights greening, listing some of their common challenges and, especially, the possibilities and urgencies of a more integrated performance among them so as to favor full participation and citizenship, and, as a consequence, to strengthen one another. The contradictions of neoliberal globalization are the...

    ... ( ... ) While the significance of national and regional particularities and various ... Veredas do Direito, Belo Horizonte, ž v.13 ž n.26 ž p.81-114 ž Maio/Agosto de 2016 ... DEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTIONALISM AND ...
  • América Latina e a onda progressista réquiem para um sonho

    Este texto é uma resenha do livro "U ma história da onda progressista sul-americana (1998-2016) ", de Fabio Luis Barbosa dos Santos. Resultado de pesquisas de campo em onze países, o livro apresenta uma análise bem-informada sobre os alcances e limites da onda progressista, explicando as particularidades de cada situação nacional e identificando seu movimento histórico comum. O fenômeno da onda...

    ... , the book presents a well-informed analysis of the achievements and limits of the Pink Tide, explaining the particularities of each national situation and identifying their common historical movement. The Pink Tide phenomenon is understood in its ...
  • O que são estudos de gênero: caracterização da produção científica autodenominada estudos de gênero em uma base de dados multidisciplinar e internacional

    Objective: The research objective is to describe the research that entitles itself as “gender studies” in a multidisciplinary and international database, pointing out possibilities and limitations for this kind of source. Method: Exploratory study with bibliometric analysis of the scientific output self-named gender studies indexed at Web of Science and published before 2017. Results: The results

    ... That is why the objective was to characterize the studies on this type of database, by determining its particularities, themes and areas that are published on this field in internationally indexed output ... It was possible to explore resources and verify ...
  • Legal Research: empirical analysis, philosophical work and the 'non research' kind of studies

    The paper focuses on the contemporary debate about legal research, with attention to the Brazilian situation. This discussion has intensified over the last decade and it is already possible to draw some prospective considerations and critical assessments about the difficulties in differentiating the various types of work produced by graduate programs and researchers. The first section reviews the

    ... area, on a research fomentation ambit, repeatedly and insistently renews with the speech of its specificity, of its production’s particularities, that also ends refuting the methodological strategies of other academic spaces, specially the empirical approach ... This circumstance made legal ...
  • Mediação em Luis Alberto Warat: humanização dos conflitos no estado democrático de direito

    A conflituosidade é uma constante natural do meio social, especialmente na sociedade contemporânea em razão da complexidade presente na individualidade humana, na psique do ser humano. Nessa senda, discute-se se a mediação proposta por Luis Alberto Warat pode ser utilizada como uma ferramenta apta a humanizar os conflitos sociais. Tais questionamentos surgem em razão da inadequação do...

    ... CAROLINE ISABELA CAPELESSO CENI E JANETE ROSA MARTINS ... understanding of another individual, as well as of their particularities and needs. To this end, the research used the descriptive analytical method ... Keywords: Culture. Humanization. Luis Alberto Warat. Mediation ...
  • Ciência aberta na perspectiva de especialistas brasileiros: proposta de taxonomia

    Objetivo: Este estudo tem como contextualizar a Ciência Aberta, propondo uma versão brasileira da taxonomia. Método: Adotou-se a pesquisa do tipo bibliográfica, documental, descritiva de abordagem dedutiva, com procedimentos do método Delphi. objetivo desenvolvida originalmente pelo grupo Facilitate Open Science Training for European Research (Foster), presente no projeto Open Science do Programa

    ... aspects of the Open Science ecosystem involving philosophical, scientific, social, technological, po litical, and economic particularities. The second result of this researc h presents the proposal to incorporate new terms, composing a taxonomy with 11 facets and 82 labels in ...
  • O direito processual comparado no mundo contemporâneo

    O presente texto é a versão escrita da exposição ministrada pelo autor no encontro anual da Law and Society Association (LSA), ocorrido no ano de 2019, em Washington, Distrito de Columbia, nos Estados Unidos, no painel sobre Temas de Direito Processual Comparado e Internacional. O trabalho aponta sobre a internacionalização dos ramos de conhecimento, como fenômeno crescente interligado a diversos

    ... functions and aims of the law, in the national, foreign and comparative context, with brief considerations about the difficulties, particularities and challenges ... KEY WORDS: Comparative Procedural Law. International Procedural Law ... 1. A INTERNACIONALIZAÇÃO DOS RAMOS DE ...
  • Rhetorical Strategies of Consumer Activists: Reframing Market Offers to Promote Change

    Consumer researchers have most frequently looked at the influence the marketplace has on consumers’ identity projects, while the reverse process - how consumers’ identity projects influence the marketplace and general culture - is an important issue that has received less attention. Aiming to contribute to the development of this literature, we conduct a qualitative netnographic investigation of...

    ... (1994) , the use of CMDA techniques facilitated the identification of themes and patterns on the blog posts while keeping relevant the particularities of the computer-mediated communication, such as synchronicity, variation in length, insertion of links, and interactivity ... To identify the ...
  • Editorial.
    ... The reviews of our students, presented in this issue, have particularities, because they are the fruits of two, out of many, publications resulting from dissertations and theses of the PPGSS ... So we end this brief ...
  • A crise do trabalho no Brasil - uma breve análise dos efeitos da desregulamentação sobre o emprego e a renda dos trabalhadores.

    O objetivo do presente artigo é revisar, contextualizar e visibilizar alguns dos resultados das políticas neoliberais de desregulamentação do trabalho nos anos que seguiram a crise capitalista de 2008, partindo da generalidade de dados disponíveis sobre o trabalho no mundo (OIT), até alcançar as particularidades e a singularidades dos resultados econômicos e sociais brasileiros ao longo do...

    ... followed the capitalist crisis of 2008, starting from the generality of available data on work in the world (ILO), until reaching the particularities and the singularities of Brazilian economic and social results over the period. Result of research that uses data collected and processed by ...
  • Serviço social e antropologia: interfaces na formação de assistentes sociais na Amazônia

    Este ensaio objetiva contribuir para crítica, reflexão e aprofundamento do diálogo entre Serviço Social e Antropologia na formação de assistentes sociais na Amazônia, interface importante para o posicionamento político como uma das mediações no âmbito da atuação do assistente social. Menciona aspectos históricos e socioantropológicos do contexto amazônico, tomando como necessárias a explicação, a

    ... Amazonian context, understanding that the explanation, understanding and interpretation of the consonances and contradictions between particularities and totalities of the concrete reality to be necessary, so that social subjects are recognized and considered in the curricular matrixes of the ...
  • Conservadorismo como instrumento capitalista em tempos de barbárie

    As discussões apresentadas no presente artigo visam oferecer apontamentos críticos para o debate das particularidades da barbárie social em nossa atual conjuntura. O objetivo do estudo tem como pano de fundo as implicações provocadas socialmente com a implantação do capitalismo na busca pela manutenção da ordem vigente hegemônica. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica de natureza qualitativa....

    ... Abstract : The discussions presented in this article seek to offer critical notes for the debate on the particularities of social barbarism in our current situation. The main objective of the study has a background set on the implications socially caused with the ...
  • Strategic Behavior and Earnings Management: Evidence from Europe.
    ... We structured regression models that considered the particularities of the companies. The tests converged to suggest a better specification of the regression model with fixed effects. The STRAT strategy measure proved ...

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